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2002 rocker panel rusting out


Full Member
Oct 13, 2010
My rocker panels under the doors are rusting out ...the drivers side is the worst but the pass is starting to go too..the winters salt is prob the reason...anyone know of a fix short of a full replacement like slip ons...Thanks
Unfortunately rust is a cancer for cars and trucks so in order to do a proper repair you need to treat the area and check both sides of the metal. If you just cover it up with an extra panel then it will continue rusting from the inside out. The rust you see may just be the most visible and if you think it's due to road salts you may want to inspect the whole undercarriage and maybe even under the lower cladding and behind the rear wheel wells especially if you plan to keep the AV a long time. Also check your brake lines and fuel lines while under the AV.
Thanks for the reply.....I intend to cut the outer rocker and treat with the spray stuff that converts rust and primes it don't recall what it's called..then weld new rockers on but was lookin for the slip type so I didn't have to cut up into the door jams