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What's the rating on the lift? Usually the lowest rating is 7,000 lbs, so unless you have 2500 it should hold a 1500...
I think the lowest rating is 1500 poumds.

Isn't the highest for these 5000?  If so then I wouldn't trust it under an AV.  I've thought about it for the vette, but too much money for a tool that can't be used with all of my vehicles.
https://kwik-lift.com/  varies by model as with the height

Yea, I'm sure there's a safety factor but 5,000 lbs is close..
FOr those prices why not get a real lift?

My first seacrh brings up a 2 post 9000lb lift for $1400.

I am sure with proper research one can do better and get more what they want.

Mine is a 2WD and still hits 5800+ on the scales with me in it, and I'm 188 lbs.