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04 avalanche with tranny problems i think


New Member
Mar 20, 2007
driving home from getting my kids the truck started reving like the tranny was slipping. checked all fluids, all were fine. tried to move again and the engine would rev, if i let off the gas it would idle at 1800 rpm then with a clunk it would engage and move the truck about 50 feet then it would rev high again.

dealer said 3 rd gear is gone and they want 3000 to replace.  i am very upset that a 44000 dollar truck can not last 44000 miles 2000 short of that total. also the shear incopatence of local dealer in helping with the problem.  after looking on this sight i have found that noises i have asked about were the warning signs of this problem, such as cluncking and late shifts.    i  would not recommend buying an american car again to any one. this is my 2nd av. and i love it , but i think it is time to build it the right way and then stand behind the product.
might I suggest getting second opinion
If you let me know the area you live in, I can reccommend a reputable shop to have a look at it.
