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'07 Glovebox removal help


Full Member
Jan 17, 2007
Blue Bell PA
My new Alpine IVA-W205 arrived a couple of days ago and I'm going to start digging into the dash tonight. Consensus seems to be that the XM module on the '07 is behind the glovebox as it was in the previous generation.  However after alot of searching and thread reading I didn't see any instructions/pictures on how to get at it.

I am installing the SIR-ALP module and I would like to put it where the XM box is now, as I did on my '06 Vette.  The benefits of this are many, but the biggest one is I can use the factory XM antenna for the Sirius.

So.. can anybody spare me removing alot of screws I probably don't need to?  Thanks!
I thought it was going to be difficult .... wrong!!!  Open your glve box, look in the top back for a plastic tab, push up on it and your glove box will open all the way down exposing all the "cool" stuff behind it!!!  Have fun ....  :wave:
rch07av said:
I thought it was going to be difficult .... wrong!!!? Open your glve box, look in the top back for a plastic tab, push up on it and your glove box will open all the way down exposing all the "cool" stuff behind it!!!? Have fun ....? :wave:

Thanks very much!!  :cheers:

I took the dash apart and got the head unit hooked up, fit and working last night so it's Sirius time this morning.