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3 Options That Are Needed!


SM 2003
Full Member
Sep 23, 2002
Atlanta, Georgia (Alpharetta)
The Three things that I would like to see added to the AV's are!

1. Bumper sensors- The tail end of this thing is really invisible to things that you can not see in your rearview mirror. ?So those electric sensors that tell you when you are getting close would be nice!

2. Rear Power Port- ?It would be nice to have a Cigarette lighter power port some where on the rear of the vehicle. ?Since the Av came with a standard seven-plug system we should be able to rig one up through the harness??? ?I just have radios and air pumps that that it would be nice to have the port on the rear of the truck to use them with, instead of through the cab!

3. A radio and speaker system that does not distort as bad as the current system. ?Also it would be nice for it to play MP3's!!
I definitely agree on the back-up sensor. I have the hardest time when I have to back into a spot, not knowing how close I am to the bumper I CAN"T SEE :rolleyes:

I'm solving the stereo problem very soon!!
The rear sensor is a must, I'm still not used to backing up fully with the Av.....I haven't hit anything yet but I feel if I get couragous one day I might by accident.....so this is definitely a must.....
I agree with all of them. Check out the post by black_magic called . I just did this as well and it works great!

I agree witn the back-up sensor and the 12v power outlet and from what I have read the 2003 Av will have a Bose sound system. I would want to add a 110v ac outlet somewhere in the Av.
Sorry about that this is the name of the thread

12V powerpoint outlet in cargo box
Wvusquatch said:
The Three things that I would like to see added to the AV's are!

1. Bumper sensors- The tail end of this thing is really invisible to things that you can not see in your rearview mirror. ?So those electric sensors that tell you when you are getting close would be nice!

2. Rear Power Port- ?It would be nice to have a Cigarette lighter power port some where on the rear of the vehicle. ?Since the Av came with a standard seven-plug system we should be able to rig one up through the harness??? ?I just have radios and air pumps that that it would be nice to have the port on the rear of the truck to use them with, instead of through the cab!

3. A radio and speaker system that does not distort as bad as the current system. ?Also it would be nice for it to play MP3's!!

1. There are a couple of mods here listed to take care of the bumper sensor request. But yer right, would be really nice if those were included.

2. GM sells an optional adapter that is only about 4 or 5 inches long that plugs into the 7-pin trailer outlet on the back and has a regular cigarette lighter outlet.

3. Some one must have agreed with you and resulted in the 2003 Bose system. Of course you can always do aftermarket adds for the MP3 bit.

  • A power port in the bed or in one of the storage bins.
  • A switch for the cargo lights accessible from the rear
How bout automatic closing mode for sunroof
as same as the AUTO open on the window....

As it is we have to hold press the button!!!!
Wvusquatch said:
The Three things that I would like to see added to the AV's are!

1. Bumper sensors- The tail end of this thing is really invisible to things that you can not see in your rearview mirror. ?So those electric sensors that tell you when you are getting close would be nice!

2. Rear Power Port- ?It would be nice to have a Cigarette lighter power port some where on the rear of the vehicle. ?Since the Av came with a standard seven-plug system we should be able to rig one up through the harness??? ?I just have radios and air pumps that that it would be nice to have the port on the rear of the truck to use them with, instead of through the cab!

3. A radio and speaker system that does not distort as bad as the current system. ?Also it would be nice for it to play MP3's!!
#1 fixing this one this weekend with an aftermarket system
How about having 4 cylinders in the engine shut down when cruising so that I get more than 13 mpg? Better yet - I think it should be a hybrid vehicle with fuel cells. Maybe even nuclear powered? Forget tie rods, I want fuel rods.

Skidd said:
What about a rain sensor that will automatically close the sunroof.
Mines got one! When the first drops of rain enter the sunroof and hit the top of my bald head, I automatically reach up and close the sunroof. Just like magic! ;D
I like the idea having something like HitchCAM but not the price.
Looks like only #3 made it to '03. Haven't heard how well it performs, but it's gotta be better than present.
I really would love a split folding midgate.
Another nice-ity would be HUGE cup holders. I don't know about you.... but I sometimes get the double gulp or its equal in coffee cups. It would be nice to be able to securely place my coffee.
This is probably more of a suggestion than an option, but I find it very difficult to slide anything across that rubber mat when loading the bed. Everything sticks right to where it is placed. If I have to move anything into the forward part of the bed, I have to climb up and place it there.

I am thinking about having a textured piece of plexiglass put down on top of the rubber mat. That should make loading and unloading a bit easier.

What do you think?
Here are some of mine.

1. = 110 Plug up front and in the back along with a 12 Volt plug in the back.
2. Midgate that splits in two, so you can open up the back and only loose 1 or 2 seats instead of all three.
3. Autopilot- Love it when I am flying :)
Here's a option that's needed a sound proof glass to seperate the front seats from the back seats for those noise kids. :0: 110 outlet sounds good to.
If you're headed North, then you already have the solution to the noisy kids syndrome: keep them on the South side of the raised midgate! ( only kidding )

I like the rain sensors on the main windshield like the VW's come with...very convenient.... :B: