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303 For Buyers In Canada


SM 2004
Full Member
Mar 9, 2003
Goderich, Ontario
Just noticed it for sale at the local Zellers for about 14 bucks a spray bottle. Seems a little steep but if it is as good as you guys say I might grab me a bottle or two. Just a heads up.
Hey AV4M

Sorry for picking up an old thread, but the topic interests me.

Is this "303" a product you'd recommend for use on the cladding? I've seen various threads which indicate cladding fade over time, and I'd certainly pursue any product which fights that condition.

I've also seen a product, Cladding Cleaner, now available at GM. How about that old faithful Armor All ? (although Armor All could leave a sheen which is perhaps not the desired end effect desired). Which would you suggest, if any?

Thanks ... I wanna keep my cladded Z71 pristine :rolleyes:
303 aerospace protectant can be used on cladding...

It is water based so if not properly buffed after applying may drip and run on paint when wet......

It is great on tires, rubber seals, interior plastics and vinyls.....

Also works well on Gm leather seats since they have a vinyl coating....

Thanks YGMN :)

Sounds like good stuff ... I trust it (303) would be safe for the (3) rear panels as well? Just a bit concerned how it might affect the rubber seals which are there to prevent leaks :cautious:

Does 303 add a sheen. I'd hate to blind someone with a reflection off the cladding :rolleyes:
YGMN Upon re-reading the thread, you already mention this product is OK on "rubber seals", thus likely OK for the back panels. One of these day's I'll learn to read :E:

If you can advise regards a "sheen / glare", I'll grab myself a bottle (of 303 ;D ) and get it on before the snow flies.

Thanks :B:
303 gives a satin finish.....a natural new tire look with mediumn shine.....

For extreme shine....try Eagle 1 tire shine....a clear oily substance....

of all products.,....

Vinylex has lowest shine.....and is similar to 303 (less resins)

Zaino tire protectant is a bit shineir then 303 and has more resins....Better....


Check the maintenance section.....

Also for the record....other companies make 303 similar products and sell much cheaper......but I suggest trying 303 first so you can get used to it and then open bottles at stores and sniff and feel to find similar products.....

Thanks again YGMN

I'll pick up some of that 303 and commence buffing the cladding :) Hope it warms up to a few degrees above freezing so I can get it done and still retain all my fingers (y)

Probably leave the tires till spring, then may try some of your other suggestions. :)

Many, many thanks :)
Hey Mr. Garndpa,
I was unhappy with the 303 on the panels as it 'bled' badly down the sides of the truck the next few times I washed, but I guess this was becasue I was supposed to buff more. I was just looking ofr an application (lazy old me :2:). I found armoral tended to stay wet, meaning dust and bugs love to land in it and stay.

I have a box sitting here of a new tire treatment that is supposed to last 6 months. Problem is it got here so late I won't be able to use it now till the spring. Have been using Eagle up till now.

Good luck
Thanks for that, Sparky

I actually picked up a spray bottle of 303 today. Probably a bit pricy ( $25 ), as I picked it up at a truck specialty shop. I was able to speak with a couple of customers at that shop, and the concensus is that 303 is an "excellent product". As you suggest in your note, apparently spraying this stuff directly onto the cladding probably would result in overdoing it, and the resultant streaking :E: I'm using an applicator

I brought my 3 box panels into the house and am applying the 303 indoors, being careful to ensure adequate ventilation ... heck it's barely above freezing outside ...... brrrrrr The panels are placed in my basement store room to dry

I'll be doing the upper "plastics" on the AV tomorrow as the temp is supposed to be way up to +5 :D

Getting to the lower cladding and the tires may have to wait for spring
sparky said:
I have a box sitting here of a new tire treatment that is supposed to last 6 months. Problem is it got here so late I won't be able to use it now till the spring. Have been using Eagle up till now.
Sparky .... Please do let me know how that new "tire" product works for you. Seems that both you and YGMN (and I'm sure many others) have had good success with Eagle. I'm looking forward to spring cleaning time :rolleyes:

Awesome ... I now know how to carry a quote, which greatly helps in focussing a reply :2:
Hello all, will this product remove some of the undercoat over spray that I have on some areas. I got hosed from the dealer when I bought the truck, they suckered me into getting the under coating from them, on numerous occations I have asked them to remove the over spray, but always in one ear and out the other one. I would like to protect the cladding on my truck but I first want to remove the over spray.
Any suggestions.

The Rock said:
Hello all, will this product remove some of the undercoat over spray that I have on some areas.

My gut feeling is that a decent "Road Tar & Bug Remover" should remove UNDERCOAT overspray. I would't look to 303 for that task. Good luck
AVA_Grandpa said:
The Rock said:
Hello all, will this product remove some of the undercoat over spray that I have on some areas.

My gut feeling is that a decent "Road Tar & Bug Remover" should remove UNDERCOAT overspray. I would't look to 303 for that task. Good luck

303 is a protectant......

try the bug and tar remover...test in hidden spot....

if it does not work...3M makes a tar and wax remover for prepping panels before painting....good stuff ...again test in hidden area...
Well, I got the '303' onto the panels, and the upper plastics (sails, etc...) and it looks absolutely GR8 :love: Made sure to be moderate on the application, and buffed vigorously.

There has been a couple of good rains here since, and I cannot detect any "bleeding" whatsoever. And that "beading" on the panels (y)

Can't wait to have some decent weather to get to the rest of the cladding. :B:
Is 303 still being sold @ Zellers? I'll have to try it out soon. I have not washed my truck in a couple of months...it's not worth it when it rains here almost every day.
Was browsing the thread and noticed the posts regarding the 303 for the cladding.

Only thing I can add is that I have been using 50/50 baby oil/armor all since 2002 January and my cladding looks like she just rolled out of the showroom. Not sure if it has any detrimental effects but as of yet I havent noticed any. As far as finish I would classify it with a satin finish...not oily but no dull.

First post so take it easy on me,

Pictures coming soon
2002 8.1 2500 Av

On a sidenote I have been browsing the billet area for some time now for a replacement grill. I am looking for a stainless steel billet due to the climate, chrome and aluminum just dont cut it. Any recommendations?

BusterAv said:
I have been using 50/50 baby oil/armor all since 2002 January and my cladding looks like she just rolled out of the showroom. Not sure if it has any detrimental effects but as of yet I havent noticed any. As far as finish I would classify it with a satin finish...not oily but no dull.
BusterAv, congrats on your 1st post. Interesting concoction (baby oil/armor all). Important thing is it works. I suppose you've noticed several threads in here about cladding fading.

You may want to locate one of the several posts covering "billet grills" and post your question there for recommendations (y)

:B:Welcome to the club :B: