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4X4 Service light


Full Member
Oct 2, 2006
Gaithersburg, Md
I get a pain in my chest when I see this and I checked it out today and this is what I got.

Code: B2725

Active tranfer mode switch malfunction.

Any clues on what to get to fix. My avalanche is a 2002 2500 woth 44,000 miles

HELP! :needhug:
Look in the Drivetrain problem area lots of them, problem with your activator motor

The motors have issues mine kept turning on the service 4 wd system light and took it to the dealer they would just reprogram the computer. The code means the Computer can not tell what postion the motor is. The final result is replace the actuator. I personally think that water gets into it and shorts it out( that's my opinion)
Did a search on the site for your code  here is a link

Thanks MichiganSilver03 for the info I'm going to try the fuse thing and see if I need a re programing I havent had the problem where it automatically shifts to other modes.
I have heard that you pull the fuse, turn it on(do not start) erase the codes, turn it back off fast, replace the fuse and it will relearn the position. I heard this works, have not tried it.