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Another Newbie


Full Member
Sep 24, 2002
Toronto ON Canada
Hi. I've been around for a loooooooooooooooooong time here now. I've been here since August. Don't know what took me so long, but here I am.

Here's a little bit about myself. I'm only 13, so there's no way that I have an Av. That's true, but I swear I'll get one one way or the other when I'm older. I must be truely obessesed because I've already decided what model (a Z66), what colour (probably a black or a red), and what mods I could do.

Anyway, I like the way that everyone here is like a big family, and how everyone tries to help each other out.
Welcome to the club.....now tell mom and dad to buy one! ;D
I took a step toward trying become an actual Av Owner but so far it hasn't worked out. I found a couple leftover '02s with only power buckets for sticker under $32k. I talked to the GM Buypower Mgr. and asked if they'd bring me one at work on Friday (Dealer is 60 mi. away) so I could drive it home, out to dinner and come to the Dealership on Sat. In the meantime they could take, and appraise my Sierra. He called me back and said his Mgr. wouldn't go for it. This leads me to believe the whole deal would be them expecting ME to go the extra mile. So I didn't go today and probably won't. Bummer :cry:
Tell your Dad their is nothing like a Domestic V-8 under the hood.....skip on the CR-V and get with the real deal....BTW..Welcome to the home of the greatest show on earth... :B:
Welcome to the club. It's good to to have young people, like yourself, see the value in joining to gether and helping each other. You could always start a collection of toy Av's.
Hang in there. By the time you get old enough to drive you'll be a regular, then bar fly, then the moon. Keep posting!
Rats! Just under a month ago I was the youngest on the site (I just turned 15 on Tuesday) then co_bigblock who is 2 months younger than me became a member. Now Avrunner is by far younger than me! I felt so special :C:.

Welcome to the club, Avrunner. I'm sure that having youngins like us is good for the site. NOW GET AN AV ;D!
I'm just kidding. I'm not being mean I promise.
CoAvZ71 said:
Rats! ?Just under a month ago I was the youngest on the site (I just turned 15 on Tuesday) then co_bigblock who is 2 months younger than me became a member. ?Now Avrunner is by far younger than me! ?I felt so special :C:.
My, my, kids these days grow up so fast... What's wrong ColoradoAV? You feel like you're getting old? >:D

Actually, it's nice having young'n's around, gives a little life to the place. :cool:

Welcome, Avrunner! Keep on wishing for that Av, you'll get there eventually!

-- SS
Welcome Avrunner!

First time I saw the Av I was only 17, but I knew I would have one. I set my mind to it, and saved all my pennies. If you do the same, your day will come to. ;)
Welcome aboard, Avrunner. You have a great goal to look forward to achieving. Good luck!
Welcome to the club I am only 16 years old but I have my dream car it is a 2002 Avalanche Summit white Z71 loaded I only have one mod it is the Amber DRL's now I am saving up for an 2003 or 2004 AV I love this truck I hope soon as you can drive you get an AV too, boy if you do you stand out at the High school ;D