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Anyone know a shop in M'boro TN that changes torsion keys?


Full Member
Oct 25, 2006
Christiana (Just outside Murfreesboro) TN
I finally bought new rims/tires, but before I put them on I need to put the Ford torsion keys in.

Does anyone know a shop around Murfreesboro or Lebanon that can do this. I checked a few places and everyone wants $300-400 to do it... I just might try it myself before I pay that!

:help: :help: :help:

tn_AVALANCHE said:
I finally bought new rims/tires, but before I put them on I need to put the Ford torsion keys in.

Does anyone know a shop around Murfreesboro or Lebanon that can do this. I checked a few places and everyone wants $300-400 to do it... I just might try it myself before I pay that!

:help: :help: :help:


Having just installed a lift, we had to unload, remove and reinstall the tortion bars and keys.  Granted, we had the entire front end torn apart so there was little stress on them initially...but the removal wasn't too difficult.  The reinstall was the hard part.  If I was to do it again, I would recommend using the tool designed for the job.  It's like a large C clamp, I'm sure it's more heavy duty though.  But they're expensive, upwards of $130.

Sorry, though, I don't know any shops in the area that do it.
They are not hard to do but be careful there is a lot of torque on that bar..........there should be someone down that way that could help you. Ohh, remember you will need an alignment when you are done.
Post your question on www.TennesseeAvalanches.com, you should get a response pretty quickly there.

BTW, have you noticed the LARGE Music City Mayhem Avalanche Meet coming up in Nashville in May? ?
trAVelingman said:
Post your question on www.TennesseeAvalanches.com, you should get a response pretty quickly there.

BTW, have you noticed the LARGE Music City Mayhem Avalanche Meet coming up in Nashville in May? ?
It seems like 2 replies in less than 4 min. is quick........  :love:
true but I offered for "someone down that way" to help ....... >:D
I live in the Boro, but do not have any experience with shops that do this. If a tire shop can do this, try Southeastern Tire on Broad street near the Chevy dealer. That is who I use and they do good work and seem to be very honest.  If not, I've seen a 4X4 shop near the new bridge on medical center parkway just off of Broad St and there is also an offroad shop on Murfreesboro Rd past 840 heading toward Smyrna.  Hope that helps!
You might also try a good alignment shop. This is where I had mine done, you will need an alignment after changing the keys anyway. Try to find one who will work with you, it is not a matter of cranking the adjustment on the new keys the same for each side. You should take a little drive to let things settle before getting it aligned, that will also give you a chance to check the hight from side to side and make sure it is even.