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Birds suck...


Full Member
Jan 28, 2007
Mechanicsburg, PA
Just took 2 hrs to wash the av, vacuum and wipe it all out for it to be put in the shop today for it's new lift!!  ??

Came back out about an hour later only to find that a flock of birds flew over and dive bombed it with tons of bird poop!!  All over the sail panels, the roof, the bed panels, THEN, I had the windows down and they crapped all over the inside of my drivers door and down into the electric window and mirror buttons.  Had to wash it again and get out q-tips to get it all out of the buttons.  :E: :E: :E:

Whatta mess.  I should've took pics but there will be plenty of those this weekend when i pick it up with the lift.
CatBarfAvy said:
Just took 2 hrs to wash the av, vacuum and wipe it all out for it to be put in the shop today for it's new lift!!? ??

Came back out about an hour later only to find that a flock of birds flew over and dive bombed it with tons of bird poop!!? All over the sail panels, the roof, the bed panels, THEN, I had the windows down and they crapped all over the inside of my drivers door and down into the electric window and mirror buttons.? Had to wash it again and get out q-tips to get it all out of the buttons.? ?:E: :E: :E:

Whatta mess.? I should've took pics but there will be plenty of those this weekend when i pick it up with the lift.
Make sure you test out that lift as soon as you get it
Isn't it bird hunting season in PA ??? ?My problem is nesting geese they jump on the rear covers and you know what.
Yea, joeami, I will definately test drive before i leave.  But I really don't know what to look for other than any noises. (since I'm a girl and am not very mechanically inclined.)  I've read posts about weird angles on the torsion bars??, i will take close ups and i'm sure i won't have a problem getting any responses.  YOu guys here are tons of help.  Thanx

BTW, joe, I do like your av. 

Least bird poop doesn't smell.  (least i don't think it does.. ???)
Dang that sucks.  Better start carrying your bb gun with you  :laugh:  Good luck on the lift  (y)
Must be the same dam flock of poop that hit my truck last Thursday. 

(where's the bird shot?!)
You can count on one of two things when you wash your vehicle:
1.? It is going to rain a few hours later or
2.? What has happened in this case bird poop
My bird is innocent :love:

Clayed and polished mine, just telling everybody how terrific it was, and how great it looks, then BOOM!  Bird bomb!  I know how you feel. 
Sorry to hear the birds fowled you efforts..

Think I found the answer


  • Dog Hunter.JPG
    Dog Hunter.JPG
    82.8 KB · Views: 119
That would definitely work!
What's amazing is how far the poop splatters away from just one hit.  I found out the hard way also, that grit is contained in the droppings and can scratch your paint, if you rub without removing it first.  Bet that was a mess to clean up, oh well, life goes on, best of luck to you on your new lift!  :B:
Did you Straight Axle the front or are you keeping the IFS?  That Sucks about the bird but it aint as bad as taking all of sunday to wash wax, find out the wax is bad and isn't hardening, washing again going inside to find other wax and coming outside to what was once a black Av to a freaking dalmation because the city decided to change the way the water is treated having to wash again then wax degrease and armorall the engine bay polish the rims having it look all nice and pretty before sunset and waking up in the moring to now a green Av because of all of the d@mn pollen.  :E: :E: :E: :beating:  Good times i tell ya. 