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Cladding Peeling Away From Door?


Full Member
Jun 11, 2002
Central NJ
If you look at the top edge of the door cladding on your Av you should notice its held in place by double sided tape. On my Av the cladding on the drives side rear door is pulling away a bit at its leading edge, tearing the tape right in the middle. I assume this is due to contraction because of the cold. My quesion is this, is this the only means by which it is held on at the top or are there other screws through the door skin near the top? Should this be a major concern? Are there any of you with the repair manual that shows the expolded view of the cladding, if so can I get a scanned copy?


This has been discussed before.....search for the thread....tipsw and advice are in it.
I saw some door cladding peeled away from '02 Av. There were plastic clips, lots of them, similar to that which holds interior door panels on, doing what I'm sure is the bulk of holding the panels on. The tape probably just keeps a tight seal up top. A friend of mine re-painted all his cladding and had to purchase like 100-200 of those clips, so there's a bunch of them...
Hey Blue, had the same problem on the same door. Tape was giving away at top front edge. Clips along bottom and tape at top.
They replaced mine with no question. Was on back order for 2 weeks