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Claddless AV Pics At LA Auto Show


SM 2003
Full Member
Jun 29, 2002
Redondo Beach, CA
I visited the Los Angeles Auto Show on Saturday evening and checked out many vehicles. ?I also took pictures of the cladd-less AV.

it doesn't look as intimidating as with the cladding
Thanks for the picture, mine's suppose to be built tommorow 1-6-03. :)

Chief had said that many critics didn't like the Mad Max look the Cladded Avalanche has. Now that I had the opportunity to see an uncladded Ave, I can say that I would have bought the Audi TT 225 Quattro had that Ave been the only option at the time.
It looks..... nekkid!!! ?

And what's with those skimpy little bumpers? No corner steps on back?

I think I'll keep my battle armor!
It may not be as unique, or look quite as aggressive as our armored Avalanches, but it still a good looking rig. I think Chevy will sell a lot of them.
I love my cladding and I didn't like the other pictures I have seen of the non-clothed av's.....however this color looks real nice. Not nice enough for me to switch but If it was the only choice and their were no such thing as a cladded av, I might buy one.
Steelheadchaser said:
It may not be as unique, or look quite as aggressive as our armored Avalanches, but it still a good looking rig. I think Chevy will sell a lot of them.

Agreed - I think it is very sharp looking and I think the General has done a good job of making a more conservative Avalanche, and like it or not, that is what the buying public wants. What will be interesting is to see how many of the WBH owners become members of the club - I have my theories that I will keep to myself.
Chief said:
What will be interesting is to see how many of the WBH owners become members of the club - I have my theories that I will keep to myself.

I think we may be on the same wave length here Chief. Care to compare theories offline?
The truck looks all work and no play. It?s missing personality. That is probably the only thing GM can do to the truck with out making me cry when I see it lugging 2 tons of gravel.
With the distinctive tail lights/tailgate/storage bins/sails........it's still an AV.

I don't want to build a wall and shut out members that are opting for the WBH model......the pics were cool....

I have one with cladding, but the WBH...I can dig it ;)

Geez, what's everyone gonna think when they come out with the Chevy Warrior? It's a mini-AV..... ;D

wonder91178 said:
With the distinctive tail lights/tailgate/storage bins/sails........it's still an AV.

I don't want to build a wall and shut out members that are opting for the WBH model......the pics were cool....

I have one with cladding, but the WBH...I can dig it ?;)

Geez, what's everyone gonna think when they come out with the Chevy Warrior? It's a mini-AV..... ;D


Do you know where there are pictures of the Warrior? This is the first time I heard it reffered as that. Isn't it going to be on the S10 platform?
Powersurge said:
Do you know where there are pictures of the Warrior? This is the first time I heard it reffered as that. Isn't it going to be on the S10 platform?

I haven't seen a photo yet but it's supposed to be a Trailblazer sized AV, here's the Edmunds.com link:

2004 Chevy Warrior

You can enter your e-mail addy to get updates from them about the Warrior.

I think Bill the Cat from the Bloom County comic strip said it best. >:D

byron said:
I think Bill the Cat from the Bloom County comic strip said it best. ? ?>:D


Bill the Cat was awesome I remember him sitting on the toilet bowl with an american flag shirt on looking at you with the sickest look. I wish I could find a copy of that poster

Powersurge said:
Bill the Cat was awesome I remember him sitting on the toilet bowl with an american flag shirt on looking at you with the sickest look. I wish I could find a copy of that poster

I've seen it. I have that image somewhere. I'll see if I can find it. I think the caption was "America's ill and so is Bill."