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Don't Try This At Home


Charter Member
Full Member
Jan 20, 2002
Took a load of brush to the dump. After unloading I was looking at the bed full of leaves and had a brain flash. Leave the tailgate down, open all the windows, drop the mid-gate, and whoose all the leaves would be gone. Did this, pulled onto the street and stood on the gas. Whoose is right, all the leaves left the bed in a big green cloud... going forwards into the cab! I now have leaves on the dash, under all the seats, down my shirt, etc. When I got home I had to clean it out, yep with a leaf blower!
The power of this forum. If you had posted that as a question before you did it, you would have found out that the natural way leaves travel is back into the AV! >:D Sorry you had the extra work. :eek: Its happened to more than just a couple of us!!!

LOL... I can just see it now...

A few pretty girls looking on, your elbow is out the open window, stereo up loud, you eye them sideways and give it a bootfull of gas. Then *poof* all these leaves come rushing in the cab and out the open windows... you stop 'cause your vision is obscured and pick the leaves of your face. The girls walk away laughing and you turn the music down and slink off into the setting sun. ;D
LOL?now that?s funny
:D :D

We?re not laughing at you, we?re laughing with ya :p
Been there, done that.

From the linked post below:

Thursday was the warmest day in quite a while so I removed the hard covers, stored the rear window, folded the midgate, rolled all of the windows down, and opened the sunroof.

I didn't really notice any more air than with the midgate up.

A 2" x 1" piece of mulch from the box blew into my lap.

The next morning I went to get into the AV and there was a bunch of crap by the door sill.

I looked at the front floor mats and they were covered in crap. All of the stuff that was in the bed ended up on the front floor mats. Dust, dirt, leaves, mulch, everything. I don't think I will try this again.

Convertible - almost
Now I am glad that I checked this thread. I probably would have done the same thing in Big Block Driver's situation. Glad to know this. When I had my last C10 - oh so many years ago- this was standard cleaning proceedure.