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Driver Seat


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Mar 7, 2002
Has anybody has had a problem with the driver seat fabric coming off at the bottom under the seat in the front. Take a look at the pic above.


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I've got the same interior and haven't noticed any problems yet...I've only got 11K on a 2002 model though.
I just noticed the same thing last night.

It looks like there is a plastic clip sewn along the bottom edge that snaps onto the bottom of the seat frame. I haven't had a chance yet to see if I can easily snap it back on.

Similar thing happened to the fabric seam on the bottom my head rest... my son was able to snap the mating plastic clips together, and there hasn't been a problem since.

-- SS
OK, I just went out and took another look at it.

It's fixed now. :cool:

I have the 2002 cloth buckets, other seats may be different. Sewn along the edge of the cloth is a plastic strip that has a continuous clip - kind of like a "J" shaped channel with the opening facing down.

Taking my lead from how it was clipped on along the edge and front corner, I folded the cloth in and up, so that the cloth folded 180 degrees with the plastic channel on the inside of the fold andthe "J" opening facing up. It was then a simple matter of pulling the fabric down to get some clearance, and then pushing it up in place so that the edge of the sheet metal seat frame entered the channel. Pushing up firmly on the plastic clip, it seated fully against the metal.

Now, there is a nice folded edge on the fabric, it is tight, and no stiched seams are visible.

While you are doing this, beware of the edge of the sheet metal frame that you are working with. It is sharp! You don't want to cut yourself, nor do you want to snag the fabric on it. If the clip on the fabric is in the correct place, it covers up this sharp edge, so there should be no future worries.

I don't know when or how it came off. Maybe it was like that all along. I just noticed it last night while I was sitting in the seat, and reaching underneath. I noticed the fabric seemed loose, especially when compared to the passenger side.

I'm glad it was a simple fix. It has taken me many times longer to describe it than it took to fix it.

Hope this helps, and I hope your "repair" is as easy.

-- SS
I think I have that situation in the bottom rear of the seat backs. I think I remember seeing a long white clip at the bottom.
Thank You SS I just fixed it. I'll just keep an eye on it.
What a wonderful site this is - post your problem, get it identified and a fix is posted and implemented - ;) :D ;D Ya gotta love it - Right Roland?
I have the leather and mine has not droped yet glad if it ever does there is a quick fix
TexAVfan said:
What a wonderful site this is - post your problem, get it identified and a fix is posted and implemented - ? ;) :D ;D Ya gotta love it - Right Roland?

And in just over ONE HOUR !
? i have the fabric seats, and mine hangs down as well. ?i will try the recommended method to fix it today. ?i know about those sharp edges on the metal. ?when i was putting on the Caddy door handles i got all sliced up by the sharp metal bar inside the doors that the power windows run up/down on. ?it was not a pretty sight. ?well worth it though.
TexAVfan said:
What a wonderful site this is - post your problem, get it identified and a fix is posted and implemented - ? ;) :D ;D Ya gotta love it - Right Roland?

This site is Priceless (y)
TexAVfan said:
What a wonderful site this is - post your problem, get it identified and a fix is posted and implemented - ? ;) :D ;D Ya gotta love it - Right Roland?
Well, it helps when it's an easy fix. ;D

Something like this one, it's easier to just do it, rather then getting the dealer involved. In this case, it's easier to to just snap it back in place than it is to call for an appointment -- let alone take the truck in and wait for it to be fixed. :p

Of course, it would be better if these things didn't dome loose in the first place. :rolleyes:

-- SS
okay, i fixed that fabric hanging down from the seat. easy fix. btw, that metal edge is pretty sharp.
now the bad news is it came down again. i wonder if some double-sided tape could be used. ???
02-Z66 said:
now the bad news is it came down again. ?i wonder if some double-sided tape could be used. ???
Bummer. :6:

Guess I have to go out and check mine to see if it stayed. :mad:

As long as the tape sticks to the plastic strip, it should do fine. No question it will stick to the metal. It seems like half the truck is held together with double stick foam tape... why not use it here?

-- SS
i was digging for my cell phone in my pocket when i lifted my butt out the seat putting most of my weight on the edge of the seat with the back of my legs. this is when i heard it "pop" loose again. maybe if i stop doing that it will stop coming loose. ???
the seat cover still comes loose after a few entries/exits from the vehicle. i was thinking of double-sided tape. but it would be hard to get the plastic clip on the seat fabric to turn up and lined up just right before the tape would start to stick to it.
how about putting it place, then holding it there with two or three small sheetmetal screws. one at each corner, and maybe a third in the middle. ???
I just checked mine, and it's still holding tight. (y)

Yeah, I can see where the tape may "grab" too soon.

My other thought was a bead of silicone rubber sealant in the channel of the plastic clip. It'll stick just fine to the metal, do you think it will stick to that plastic? It seems like it might be something like polyethelene, and the silicone might not stick.

The sheet metal screws would probably hold it in place, but I would worry about them coming through the other side and messing up the seat cover material.

Going back to the double stick foam tape idea, what if you did this:
  • Cut the tape a couple of inches longer than neccessary
  • Peel off a couple of inches of backing paper
  • Cut the exposed tape off so you have a "tail" of backing paper left hanging
  • Attach the tape to the plastic clip strip
  • With the backing paper still on, slip the plastic clip into place, making sure the backing paper "tail" is hanging out
  • Carefully peel the backing paper off by pulling on the "tail" while gently pulling the plastic clip strip back from the metal, making sure the clip strip doesn't slip out of place. (This is the tricky part!)
  • Press the plastic clip strip into place adhering the tape
Does this sound like it would work? It's going to be tricky pulling off the paper backing while reaching up under the seat, but if you can pull it off (no pun intended) I bet it would hold a good long time.

-- SS
ShapeShifter said:
I just checked mine, and it's still holding tight. (y)

Yeah, I can see where the tape may "grab" too soon.

My other thought was a bead of silicone rubber sealant in the channel of the plastic clip. It'll stick just fine to the metal, do you think it will stick to that plastic? It seems like it might be something like polyethelene, and the silicone might not stick.

The sheet metal screws would probably hold it in place, but I would worry about them coming through the other side and messing up the seat cover material.

Going back to the double stick foam tape idea, what if you did this:
  • Cut the tape a couple of inches longer than neccessary
  • Peel off a couple of inches of backing paper
  • Cut the exposed tape off so you have a "tail" of backing paper left hanging
  • Attach the tape to the plastic clip strip
  • With the backing paper still on, slip the plastic clip into place, making sure the backing paper "tail" is hanging out
  • Carefully peel the backing paper off by pulling on the "tail" while gently pulling the plastic clip strip back from the metal, making sure the clip strip doesn't slip out of place. (This is the tricky part!)
  • Press the plastic clip strip into place adhering the tape
Does this sound like it would work? It's going to be tricky pulling off the paper backing while reaching up under the seat, but if you can pull it off (no pun intended) I bet it would hold a good long time.

-- SS

this sounds like a good idea. did not really like the idea with the screws. i was just talking out the side of my neck on that one. will have to try your idea. i will let you know how it comes out. won't be able to do it until tomorrow however. will be hitting the highway today.
I work for the company that makes the seats for the Av. The plastic strip you are referring to is called a J-strap. It sounds like the j-strap profile has been opened up. I would clean the metal edge with some alcohol (as has been warned before, be careful of the sharp edges) and wrap some friction tape around both edges of the cushion pan. Then put the j-strap back onto the edge of the cushion pan. If one layer doesn't do it, try another. That should hold it.
MyBigToy said:
I work for the company that makes the seats for the Av. The plastic strip you are referring to is called a J-strap. It sounds like the j-strap profile has been opened up. I would clean the metal edge with some alcohol (as has been warned before, be careful of the sharp edges) and wrap some friction tape around both edges of the cushion pan. Then put the j-strap back onto the edge of the cushion pan. If one layer doesn't do it, try another. That should hold it.

dude that's it. that will work out like a charm. much easier/better than the double-sided tape. i wish i would have known about this earlier. i was at Lowe's this afternoon. oh well, back to Lowe's tomorrow.
i plan on getting the materials to fix the seat this weekend. i was going to take it to the dealer, but i changed my mine.
Ok, once a week or so I notice that the bottom front clip that holds the cloth in position on the driver seat pops off, I mentioned this to my service advisor and he told me it is a common problem, and no fix at this time.... am I the only one having this problem?
