I just checked mine, and it's still holding tight.
Yeah, I can see where the tape may "grab" too soon.
My other thought was a bead of silicone rubber sealant in the channel of the plastic clip. It'll stick just fine to the metal, do you think it will stick to that plastic? It seems like it might be something like polyethelene, and the silicone might not stick.
The sheet metal screws would probably hold it in place, but I would worry about them coming through the other side and messing up the seat cover material.
Going back to the double stick foam tape idea, what if you did this:
- Cut the tape a couple of inches longer than neccessary
- Peel off a couple of inches of backing paper
- Cut the exposed tape off so you have a "tail" of backing paper left hanging
- Attach the tape to the plastic clip strip
- With the backing paper still on, slip the plastic clip into place, making sure the backing paper "tail" is hanging out
- Carefully peel the backing paper off by pulling on the "tail" while gently pulling the plastic clip strip back from the metal, making sure the clip strip doesn't slip out of place. (This is the tricky part!)
- Press the plastic clip strip into place adhering the tape
Does this sound like it would work? It's going to be tricky pulling off the paper backing while reaching up under the seat, but if you can pull it off (no pun intended) I bet it would hold a good long time.
-- SS