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I work for a paper company, yes I sell paper. Last week I made a very small sale of about 400# of paper. So, on Tuesday (last week) the paper was ready, and I decided I would hand deliver the paper to help the customer out. Why should he pay a $250 freight bill on a local delivery, right. Anyway, I got back to the office, and our Logistics personal had this idea to see if I could make an invoice and see if it goes though. So, I went online and Downloaded an invoice program. I had to fill out a bill of lading so it looked pretty realistic. I charged my company $3450.00 for a local delivery. Well...it went through. I had a fake company name and everything...AVALANCHE XPRESS!!! What do you think. I used my home address, and everything with my home number. I got home yesterday, and in my mailbox was a check for $3450.00. I brought it back in today to show everyone. Pretty funny stuff. No, I did'nt get fired. Actually we pretty much got a pretty good laugh out of it. Accounting was a little embarasses though. Fun at the office!!!!!