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Future Options!


Charter Member
Full Member
Jan 24, 2002

1. Power antenna to make putting a truck cover on simple.

2. Back-up sensor system.

3. Removal of the rubber hood hinge covers that flap at highway speeds.

4. Color side molding to match truck color.

5. Rear truck cap typical of Snugtop.com that doesn't cover the side access door or doesn't have another roof-rack so I can clear all the parking garages ceiling heights.

Have GM Avalanche design division send me the final design prior to manuacturing for the best optioned Avalancheeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
In lieu of the top why not buy a suburban? ???
ygmn said:
In lieu of the top why not buy a suburban? ???

Have you ever hauled a full-sized refrigerator in a Suburban? :rolleyes:

Not without laying it down you didn't. Told to me by a good friend in the refrigeration business - Refrigerators must be carried upright or the oil in the compressor leeches into the high pressure part of the system through the orfice. You have to let the fridge stand upright for a week or more for the oil to make it's way back down to the low pressure side. If you fail to do this, the compressor will burn itself up in short order.

Why didn't I buy a Sub? Why am I interested in the cap?

1) There are many times that I would like to haul taller things "out of the elements" and still have them under cover.

2) Ever tried pulling the rear seat out of a Sub when you needed the extra cargo space? I Haven't tried on a newer one, but my friend's 95 is a royal PITA to get the seat out of.

3) Now and again I will haul my Dirt Bike or ATV in the Avalanche. Can't do either with the Sub.

4) I like the styling of the Avalanche as it is more like a HD ElCamino with a back-seat. I suppose those guys that bought caps for their Elk's should have bought Station Wagons.. :rolleyes:

5) I like the styling of the Snug-Top cap. I wish they would have made the lines of the rear windows to match the same plain of the side windows instead of the plain of the body lines.

6) I'd buy the cap just to really tick people off and make them think I made a 40G mistake! ;D ((NOT))
I understand some might like the look of the top and need the functionality of it.

But would it not be a PIA to remove to haul the taller stuff?

I saw a pic of one some where and well it did nothing for me. But all us AVY owners are different and we each have different requirements for the AVY.

Any have other pics of one???

ygmn said:
I understand some might like the look of the top and need the functionality of it.

But would it not be a PIA to remove to haul the taller stuff?

I saw a pic of one some where and well it did nothing for me. ?But all us AVY owners are different and we each have different requirements for the AVY.

Any have other pics of one???

I, too, wish there were more pictures available and pricing information to boot.

The weight of the fiberglass cap for shortbed pickup truck is manageable by a single person for removal and installation, but it is very awkward. The cap for the Avalanche would be shorter and probably lighter.
Frankly the removal and installation of the factory covres on the Avalanche has become a PITA to me. Once winter is over (I live in sunny MinneSnowta) I will likely pull the covers and store them in the garage until next fall.

Nothing I have said was meant to offend - just to enlighten. :)

We all have at least one thing in common. The Avalanche is the most versatile vehicle built since the Duck.

The Duck, for those of you that do not know, is an Amphibeous all wheel drive troop carrier.. ;D
Picked up the Mar/Apr Truck Trends mag.(MOTOR TREND's) It has the TRUCK OF THE YEAR article. But more interesting was the article on the Ford Harley supercrew.This truck flat out KICKS ASS. Chevy SHOULD be ?putting together a SS version of the Av along the same lines. I mean lowered,big wheels, SUPERCHARGED,but available in 4wd. Knowing GM they will drag their heels and by that time Ford will have a midgate,4wd version of their own with the Supercharger! :( Let's all chant WE WANT AN SS AND WE WANT IT NOW!!!! ;) :D ;D
There is already a GM SS version of the Avalanche being built. Here is a link to the photos and info.
?You can see the new GM tech man working on the truck. This is very TOP SECRET so please keep this info amongst the group.

OK XRover - we have to deal with you now for letting out the secret. My man Guido is on the flight as we speak.

I am just tinkering away trying to anticipate the 2003's. Who knows maybe my options will be standard equipment on those.
How about these options/features...

OnStar that integrates with any stereo with Cell Mute capability (so I can get rid of the crap they have as stock :p)

OnStar with MUTE.

Integrated Magellan or Garmin GPS capabilities. After all, this is an off road vehicle, and the little mirror compass is not going to cut it.

Power leather seats that FULLY recline. Oh, that is not an option, that should be standard....

A sunroof that does not take 3" off the headroom, so I can find my vehicle easier. Do you know how hard it is to find a loaded Z71 w/o a power sunroof so a 6'4" man can drive a 6000# truck? C'mon people, this is Seattle!! Like I need another leaky roof (a la T-Tops). ;)

I never knew the sunroof decreased the head room?
...to keep the roofline the same, in order to install a POWER sunroof (keyword here is power), you must lower the headliner 2-3" to accomodate the rails and the actual sunroof. ?Look at a car with and then without the power roof and you'll see what I mean. ?The best example is a Pontiac Bonneville (the best one I know of that is). ?:eek:

Is there any way they could make the rear window a power window instead of something you have to physically remove? It would be nice to be able to hit a button on the fly and have the rear window roll down into the midgate...

Chad that would be very COOL!!!!!

GM take note please...POWER midgate Window!!!
Let's don't forget the power tailgate release integrated with the keyless remote. Integrating it into the factory alarm would even be better!
Is there any way they could make the rear window a power window instead of something you have to physically remove? It would be nice to be able to hit a button on the fly and have the rear window roll down into the midgate...

That'd be pretty tough. How would you lower the midgate and leave the window in place? The window would have to disengage from its track. While I've had this same thought a number of times, it seems to be a design ripe to fail. :)
We need to stop horsing around and move to hydrogen-powered vehicles. ?The Avalanche would be a perfect "launch" vehicle to do this on. ?This would help to disassociate hydrogen and and present-day hybrid systems with small squatty cars with a minimum payload capacity.
Hydorgen would be great, if it weren't for it's volatility a la Hinderburg. ? :eek: They are working on it and are close though...

One MAJOR problem with hydrogen is it's by-product, water. ?For those who live in paradise, that's great. ?However, for those who live in colder climates, can you just imagine what 200,000+ vehicles expelling steam would do to the roads. ?Hello ice rink. ?Bring out the Zamboni! :-*

If they could somehow fix this, then I am 110% for this fuel. ? It is clean and powerful. ?
Here's a few for thought: