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This has only happened to me once that I noticed. But seems to happen a lot to a coworker in his 01 Sierra 1500. The G80 locker will engauge and then not release.
The only time it happened to me it scared the crap out of me because I wasn't expecting it. I was dropping our daughter off at daycare a few weeks back and we had gotten a light dusting of snow on the side streets. I came around a corner and must have hit a slick spot and the locker kicked in. I drove down the road to the day care provider's house and when I turned into their driveway there was this loud bang, bang, bang and the truck kind of jerked. The road in front of their house was dry pavement. I wasn't expecting it and I knew I had a bad u-joint so the first thing that went through my mind was that I dropped my drive shaft. Well, since I was in 2wd and still able to go up their driveway I knew right away the drive shaft was connected. As I was getting her out of the truck I thought that it must have been the locker as I looked at the dry road and remembered the somewhat slick corner. As I left everything was fine so I didn't really worry about it.
My co-worker said he is more concerned about his as it seems to do it a lot. He asked if there was a way to disable the G80 locker. I didn't know but said I could ask here. He was wondering if there was a pin or something simple that he could do to his rear diff to disable the locker. He said he would rather have a one wheel wonder then have to deal with a grenaded G80. While he only goes mudding in his ATV he has a lot of buddies that go offroading in their trucks and many of them have blown their G80s.
Any ideas?
The only time it happened to me it scared the crap out of me because I wasn't expecting it. I was dropping our daughter off at daycare a few weeks back and we had gotten a light dusting of snow on the side streets. I came around a corner and must have hit a slick spot and the locker kicked in. I drove down the road to the day care provider's house and when I turned into their driveway there was this loud bang, bang, bang and the truck kind of jerked. The road in front of their house was dry pavement. I wasn't expecting it and I knew I had a bad u-joint so the first thing that went through my mind was that I dropped my drive shaft. Well, since I was in 2wd and still able to go up their driveway I knew right away the drive shaft was connected. As I was getting her out of the truck I thought that it must have been the locker as I looked at the dry road and remembered the somewhat slick corner. As I left everything was fine so I didn't really worry about it.
My co-worker said he is more concerned about his as it seems to do it a lot. He asked if there was a way to disable the G80 locker. I didn't know but said I could ask here. He was wondering if there was a pin or something simple that he could do to his rear diff to disable the locker. He said he would rather have a one wheel wonder then have to deal with a grenaded G80. While he only goes mudding in his ATV he has a lot of buddies that go offroading in their trucks and many of them have blown their G80s.
Any ideas?