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Garber II


SM 2008
SM 2006
SM 2005
Full Member
Jun 22, 2005
Middleburg, Fl

  Well I was informed today that Tony dosent work for Garber any longer.  Why I dont know.  I still have a couple contacts their and I'll try to get ahold of them to find out whats going on.  As of right now Ill have to say thats it wont happen this year.  (n)

  I'll still try to make it happen.  So just incase leave the last weekend of July open.  Cross your fingers.....

maybe his replacement will be an AV fan it will still come through or maybe where he went they will want to have an AV show! But what if he went to a non Chevy dealership

I can see it now

King Crown Ford presents the Avalanche GTG >:D
With any luck Tony's replacement will be interested in continuing the GTG.
oh damn....thanks for the update anyways.
oh damn, that sucks! (not to mention I still havent heard anything about that extended warranty they were supposed to give me on my tranny...looks like I will be making a few phones calls today!)
sssMOkinAV said:
oh damn, that sucks! (not to mention I still havent heard anything about that extended warranty they were supposed to give me on my tranny...looks like I will be making a few phones calls today!)

Mo Call them and ask to talk to Rob Burton.  He still may be able to look into it for you.

Raceman said:
Joe sorry to here this,hope it all works out in the end

I hope so too.  I just email another buddy of mine that works in the service department.  I told him if possible that I would like to make this work.

So we shall see.