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I Got A Little Problem With My Power Tailgate Lock


Charter Member
Full Member
Mar 27, 2002
When you install the actuator in the tailgate, does it render the actual key lock useless? I can't get them to work together. Is there anyway that I can remedy this? What happens if I can't use my alarm to open the tailget for some unforseen reason and I have to go in the back of the bed?
Can anybody help me? ??? ???
Mine works with the key just fine.
I added the keyless a year ago.
All is working with no problems.
I'd also like to know. I haven't done the mod yet, but when I did have the tailgate bezel off, I was looking at the mechanism, and trying to manally activate the lock like a solenoid plunger would. It all seems straightforward enough except for the lock cylynder. If it's in place, it holds the locking fork in place and it cannot move, so I would have to think the solenoid wouldn't work. The net result is that the manual lock would dictate the lock lever position, and the power lock won't work.

The only solution I could see is removing the cam from the manual lock cylynder, or removing the cylnder completly, like AlaskaAv did. Both of these render the tailgate lock as power only with no manual override.

Obviously, this can be made to work. Are we missing something basic here, or do we have a different style lock mechanism?

-- SS