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just installed volant


Full Member
Jul 21, 2006
Salem MA
well i ordered my volant from laguna speed. (mistake) btw those guys are not too cool to deal with. but the intake is great i installed it about 10 minutes before i left for a 1000 mile trip towing my jeep, two passengers, all our gear tools and enough extra axleshafts and parts to build another jeep.

Got about 10 mpg there towing w/out overdrive, the volant is very loud under load, i havent heard it without trailer yet but i'm happy with it.? the resonance around 2500 is very deep and you can clearly hear it over the radio. i am going to put the scoop on tommorow and see if it is any louder or quiter. stay posted.

also the kit fit perfrctly and had no problems at all, fits like a glove.
heyzipupyourfly said:
well i ordered my volant from laguna speed. (mistake) btw those guys are not too cool to deal with. but the intake is great i installed it about 10 minutes before i left for a 1000 mile trip towing my jeep, two passengers, all our gear tools and enough extra axleshafts and parts to build another jeep.

Got about 10 mpg there towing w/out overdrive, the volant is very loud under load, i havent heard it without trailer yet but i'm happy with it.  the resonance around 2500 is very deep and you can clearly hear it over the radio. i am going to put the scoop on tommorow and see if it is any louder or quiter. stay posted.

also the kit fit perfrctly and had no problems at all, fits like a glove.


I see from your sig that you're from Salem.  What type and color AV do you have?  I occasionally see a Red cladded with ambers around town, but haven't seen any others.  Plenty of AV's sans ambers.


My previous post was :offtopic: .  I was really intending on replying about the Volant resonance... 

I didn't find it resonated through-out the power band.  The AEM that I had was noisy under even the lightest loads.  It was especially tiring on long road trips, but then again, everyone has their own tolerance level...

I put a screen on the scoop to keep out larger debris.  Nothing fancy, just black window grade screen held on with a cable tie.  I also have the Volant prefilter to help keep out anything else, that gets past the screen (like water).

With the scoop down there, I'm a little less likely to follow behind someone who is blowing through a deep puddle (like the one's on Bridge Street, Canal Street,  or in Peabody square) whenever it rains like it is today.

naa i'm black av wbh with ambers and sail panel leds. if you see me round town shoot me a wave. i'm always towing something.
i know what you mean about the scoop, i was planning on doing that, and i also ordered prefilter it will be here shortly.
and yesterday i probably would have been worying about thwe scoop a little, driving back from PA in a monsoon and all.


Nice AVA and I am also interested in the sound from this.

heyzipupyourfly said:
naa i'm black av wbh with ambers and sail panel leds. if you see me round town shoot me a wave. i'm always towing something.
i know what you mean about the scoop, i was planning on doing that, and i also ordered prefilter it will be here shortly.
and yesterday i probably would have been worying about thwe scoop a little, driving back from PA in a monsoon and all.


Can't say that I've seen you round town yet.  I have a dark grey metallic cladded AV.  Here's a recent pic.  Also a pic of what I was talking about a screen on the scoop.  I was thinking of fabricating a cover for wet conditions.  Something that could be flipped up (or down) and latched.  But wasn't sure if the engine would get enough air into the airbox through the fender vent.


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well i drove it today without a trailer and it is much quieter, i am very happy with it, the sound i was talking about seemed to only be when i was cruising around 2-2500 with the trailer. still wasn;'t bad then but is much louder with a trailer.

i'm gonna drive without the scoop for a while(wait for better weather to out it in)
also to see if that makes a difference in sound.
it is a subtle sound but you know its there, especially if you romp on it quickly.

i'm sure a cover for heavy rain would be fine, it wouldn't starve the engine the Maf will sens any difference anyways so you wouldn't be starving the engine.
but my guess is it would be fine without one unles you plan on crossing rivers or peabody sq.  because the filter element are seperate and up towards the top of the cleaner box.
heyzipupyourfly said:
well i ordered my volant from laguna speed. (mistake) btw those guys are not too cool to deal with. but the intake is great i installed it about 10 minutes before i left for a 1000 mile trip towing my jeep, two passengers, all our gear tools and enough extra axleshafts and parts to build another jeep.

Got about 10 mpg there towing w/out overdrive, the volant is very loud under load, i havent heard it without trailer yet but i'm happy with it.? the resonance around 2500 is very deep and you can clearly hear it over the radio. i am going to put the scoop on tommorow and see if it is any louder or quiter. stay posted.

also the kit fit perfrctly and had no problems at all, fits like a glove.

Now you need to put on the Corsa Sport exhaust system, and you will be amazed, and in love with how it sounds, and performs...TRUST ME ON THIS! :love:
Where did you get the scoop from, i called Volant a few weeks back and they said they were not making one yet.  Do you have the part number?
johnv656 said:
Where did you get the scoop from, i called Volant a few weeks back and they said they were not making one yet.  Do you have the part number?

I bought my Volant and scoop from another member locally.  He took ithe Volant off of his 2004 before he traded it in for a 2007.  The scoop was still new in box, never installed.

The model number of the scoop is 35853.  HOWEVER, the scoop didn't fit perfectly in my cladded 03.

I had to remove a metal plate that was obstructing the path for the scoop to set under the tow hook.  The plate had a plastic braided wire conduit attached to it that I relocated.  Also attached to the plate was a rod type bracket (a flimsy one IMHO because mine was bent) that purportedly supports the lower cladding.  I just tucked it away in case I ever remove the scoop and reinstall the metal plate.  I'd take pictures but it downpouring rain right now.

well my mileage mpg indicator on my dash has made it past 13.1 for the first time since i bought it. now its hitting 15-16. I havent done the math out yet but thats enough for me to say i like it.
Just received and installed mine today. The boys at globaldodge (go figure) on eBay had an unbeatable price, and still two available!  But I digress...

:love: I sat in the driveway revving the engine and the wife came out and told me to go play somewhere else.  I engaged the tow button, put it in 3, and hit the road.  Now I have to steamclean the seats AND my drawers!  The sound is perfect, not too loud on cruise, but nice and deep on acceleration.  I'll be filling the tank tomorrow and will report back on any improved mileage.  Have I told you lately how much I love my Avy?
Check Tbryne.com for the scoop. Their service is excellent , plus Tom has been a Site Partner here from nearly the very beginning.