OK, here we go...there are 4 hotels at the Speedway.
First up, Great Wolf Lodge....already nixed that one.
Second, Chateau Avalon, mmmm, I'm gonna guess you're not looking for a $250 a night romantic get away. I could be wrong, if I am, let me know I'll get the number.
Third, Hampton Inn, 1400 Village West Pkwy, right across from Great Wolf, even has fake timber exterior to look like the great wolf. 913-328-1400.
Four, Holiday Inn Express, 1931 Prairie Crossing St (I-435 and Parallel), north east end of the shopping center. 913-328-1024. A little tricky to get to off the interstate, but do-able, close to Hooters (easy access to and from). Easy access getting back on I-435.
Now then, 10 minutes further west on I-70 in Bonner Springs (I-70 and 7 hi-way), right off the interstate.....easy access to and from I-70.
Another Holiday Inn Express, 13031 Ridge Dr. 913-721-5300. Newer building, but not as big.
And a Super 8 Motel, 13041 Ridge Ave, 913-721-3877, brand new...so new I had to ask if they were open for business.
Even though one is Ridge Dr and the other Ridge Ave., they are right next to each other?? Got me.....
On the way to the Speedway you will pass two hotels around 58th and 78th and I-70....stay away....be very afraid! But seriously, the one on 78th has been on the news a couple of times for bodies found in the parking lot.
Hope this helps, counting down the days til the 14th.