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My Av Was Keyed!


Full Member
May 13, 2002
Tucson, AZ
Last night started off wonderfully. I saw a beautiful black Av with gorgeous 18 (maybe 20?) inch wheels in the parking lot at Best Buy. Of course I didn't have any brochures with me when I needed them...) Went and took care of my shopping (at the adjacent Wal-Mart) and came back out to find...

My gorgeous Av had been keyed! :8: :8: :8:

It's very bad, the scratches go down to the primer. I'll never understand this. I don't know if it was Eco-terrorists or just some jealous a$$hole, but I'd sure like to find him/her/it!

Sorry to hear about that. I know what you mean about wanting to find that person. I am sure we would all help you out. Don't hesitate to let us all know if you need are help.

Maybe we can get everyone to chip in a buck to help pay for the fix of your paint job.

You might try your local listing for a company called Colors on Parade. They can do miracles with paint. I sincerely wish you a favorable outcome. Durwin

that sucks :7: , I keep wondering if it will ever happen to my AV. I tend to be a "say it like it is" kind of guy and that upsets people. I am hoping they will see the scratches I puit on it from Last Sunday's 4x4 adventure:cry: and move along with out adding any more .

Once again sorry to hear that and try Durwin's advice I have heard nothingbut good things about "Colors on parade" They have them hear in the Bay Area and lots of dealers use them.

edit: Because my typing stinks :cautious:

That's ridiculous. ?I have absolutely NO tolerance for thieves or vandals.

Doing something like this doesn't do anything for
anybody. ?"Ooooh, Mr. toughguy/girl can scratch paint." ?If they were so tough, they hang around and do it it front of you, or tell you their problem face-to-face. ?What are they trying to prove here?? It's a VERY cowardly act.

I'd hate to have this happen to me... ?Worse yet, I'd hate to catch a person doing it. ?I have a real short fuse sometimes... ? :8:

Thanks for the input guys (and allowing me to vent)!
:C: :7:
We don't have a Colors on Parade franchise down here in Tucson, but I know a local guy who does fantastic work if I can get my insurance to pay him... working on that now.

Marc, yeah it's about as cowardly an act as I can think of. It takes a LOT to push me over the edge, but once I'm there, my temper is not pleasant... If I'd caught the guy, I'd probably be in jail this morning...

"There's nothing more chicken-$hit than messing with a man's automobile."
-Vincent Vega
Sorry to hear about your situation, Crexis.

That would be an absolute nightmare to me. I take a lot of pains to prevent paint swirls. If that happened, I'd probably be put under the jail after I got through with the person who did it.
Thanks again guys for letting me vent. It's nice to be able to go someplace where the people understand how cool these trucks are and what it feels like to have one damaged intentionally.

I'm going to get estimates next week.

Sorry to hear about that. I know how pi$$ed I'd be if I found that waiting for me.

Man,I am sorry to hear that. I know how much we all love our Av's and to have someone do that is awfull. Ihope chevroletavalanche is wrong about the owner of the black AV doing it. As far as the repair,I see alot of these happen because I am a co-owner of a body shop. The real trick to fixing it right will be the "blending" of the paint. Make sure before you decide who gets to fix it,you look at their work and ? them on their routine for something like this. Is their work guarenteed? What about prepping and overspray,will they take care of it right?These are all things that you should look into. Also one more important thing that most people don't realize: Even though you may be turning this into your insurance,and they may require 2-3 different estimates, YOU get the final say so on who does the repairs. EVEN if it is the highest estimate,if that is who you want,YOUR INSURANCE has to go along with the owner's choice. That is why YOU pay them and not the other way around. Good luck on the repairs.
:7:some people just .....me.......and......sh......

I hope you get it done right, and fast (mabey not the right word) Can't be without your baby.

Altho I see things like this in a slighty diffrent way. My AV was rear ended last month. And I'm having the picky-est body/paint guy I know fixing her. ME
I use the check from ins to fix the damage, with the parts mark up cash I replase things like cladding, foglights....and the like I'v broken over the year
My labor is paid and my shop is paid
I usually (not first time) role my 'on paper wages', into mods ;)
EXT cluster
Painted cladding
stearing wheel stereo controles ect.ect.
I do not over inflat an estmate, but I do watch out for my concerns. In no way is it a windfall but i sleep better at night, dreaming of mods ;)
I'm sure all of us here feel your pain. Very sorry to hear that you got keyed.. I would love to catch someone doing this felonious act of cowardous.. Hopefully you are able to get it repaired without great difficulty. Unfortunately I doubt that you can turn this kind of damage over to your insurance co unless the dollar damage is quite high.

Gary ? ?:8:
I don't know how long or deep your scratches are - but I decided to live with the X that was carved into my front passenger door about two months after I bought my Av.

I'm sure it was some Belltown hippie that did it too. Sorry to hear about what happened - people that key other cars SUCK.