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New Club Member, Saying "HI"


SM 2003
Full Member
Jun 6, 2002
McKinney, TX
Hey all,

Just wanted to drop a line to let ya know this short time lurker has joined up and LOVE the site. Actually signed on just a bit before the 1000th member, if I had found that thread a little earlier I might have tried to time my signup a little better. Grats to the real #1000 though.

Thought I'd be a little clever on the board sig with a dual meaning Nick. TXAVy, could be "TeXas AValanche" or "Tech Savy". Both mean somethin for me being a North Texax SOON TO BE AVy owner, and in the high tech/Telecom industry here in the North Dallas area (McKinney to be specific). Anyone else here live nearby? If not I'll start handin out the flyers!

As I mentioned above, I don't own an AVy yet, but I've got the fever and I can't imagine it will take much longer to get things in order. I had originally figured I'd let the first year roll by and get the 2003 as soon as I could order one, but there's been enough shaky news in the industry recently that I need to make sure that's stable before I sign up for a new monthly payment. I've read a lot on the 2002 vs. 2003 threads and both seem to be a great deal pending the price doesn't change too much on the 2003 of course. Local dealership here is offering $2700 rebate on the 2002s currently if anyone's looking that route. My grandfather worked for GM though so I'm gonna use that to my advantage and get a GM Option-1 discounted 2003 soon as my finances give the Green-Light. Any tips on other rebates I might take advantage of when ordering with GM discount?

Welcome to the Club. ?As I'm sure you have seen there is a wealth of info available and any question you may have will surely be answered by the members or someone will point you in the direction of the answer. ?Get that AV ASAP and start the MODS.
Welcome! In addition to the modifications you'll be reading and writing about, there's a lot of support and expertise here.

Leverage this site and have fun in the process. Good luck!

Oh and if you have a digital camera, I'd highly recommend getting one or at least pulling it out of the closet. Everyone here loves pictures of the AV and mods.
Welcome to the club, you will love your AV, check out the various threads, problems, and that will help you in the purchase decision. ;D
Welcome aboard!!!

Be sure to stop by the Accessories forum after you take delivery. You might find a couple of MOD ideas that may be of interest to you ;D

Hi there! I was number 996! I too am a 'newbie' and the wife's a GM employee! Looking forward to ordering my new 'charcoal' avy. I love this forum as it has given me many many things to think about. I'm sure glad it's here!

Now about the Mod's....does everyone do mod's? I intend my rig to be a 'stocker'! :0:

Thanks to all of you for all of the information on a new design truck/suv!

ol' dude
Welcome to the neighborhood! Mod's can be from mild to wild - practical to appearance to performance. My Av's pretty well stock - but I did swap to a Denali cluster to get the tranny temp gauge - didn't like the blank hole! Also added a Thule rack to carry the toys. Other mod's I'm considering are practical in nature - the auto lock / unlock for the tailgate for example. So, even if you keep yours a 'stocker' there's a wealth of maintenance and problem solving info here - it's not all mod's! Again, welcome!
Thanks for the welcome and your right about the tail gate lock it would be nice to have inside! Yeah, sometimes I forget that some mod's can be really helpful. Especially, in the Rainy State (Washington).

Thanks again....

Welcome fellow AV lovers.

Glad to see more members with more ideas on what to MOD next.
Welcome all to the greatest AV site in the free world. You are now apart of the greatest fan club going.

Goo can help with all your lighting needs. Look at mine and you will see that YES you can put three TVs and a DVD in your truck.

Others can show you your lifts and your tires, the sound and just about anything.. But hey I just got my FLAG BOWTIE in the mail.. and my truck looks better.. I hope to get my NEW BOWTIE antana in soon.. payed for it for JC Wit and the shippment tracker has it in El Paso now... wow an other new look... LOL

have fun VA's..

Welcome to the club future AV'ers. I am finding more and more members who are thinking about buying a Avalanche joining the club. The information to be found here is second to none and I find when I go into a Chevy dealership it is myself telling them about the AV's not them telling me about them. It is because of this site that I know of some of the problem that I may run into, and how to fix and mod my AV. Keep the post comming as I cannot get enough information and I hope very soon to be bragging about the Avalance that I get ;D
dipster said:
...Now about the Mod's....does everyone do mod's? ?I intend my rig to be a 'stocker'! ? :0:

ol' dude

I fully intended to leave mine stock! I should have known better. Now I have no plans to stop. ;D
Hi everyone, I'm also a new Av' owner as of this past wed. and I can't wait for the weekend to put some mileage on the motor and mud on the fenders.In the meantime I'm trying to decide what to modify first,Intake or exhaust. :love: :B:
3_Chevy_Guy said:
Hi everyone, I'm also a new Av' owner as of this past wed. and I can't wait for the weekend to put some mileage on the motor and mud on the fenders.In the meantime I'm trying to decide what to modify first,Intake or exhaust. :love: :B:

Easy, do both at the same time, works better that way
I also would like to extend a welcome to our newest members. Whether you already own or are in the market for an AV, this is THE place to be. You will not find a better group of people anywhere. Someone is always willing to offer some advice, usually from first-hand experience, or share ideas. So jump in and get your feet wet. It's a great ride.
Welcome to the club.

Hope to see driving around in an Av soon!