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No One Else Can Touch!!!


SM 2003
Full Member
Feb 19, 2003
Is it just me or am I crazy. I can't stand to leave by truck at the dealership or anywhere else where someone else has the keys. I took my truck in to have the front bumper clading replaced due to deep scratch that was on it when I took delivery today. Being paranoid I wrote down the miles when I left it. When I picked it up it had 56 extra miles on it :8: (Must have been lunch time) When I asked about the extra miles no one could even come up with a answer and looked at me like I was lying. Not to mention the muddy footprints in the back seat. :8: Man at least clean up after yourself. :D:
Thanks, I feel better after letting off some steam
56 miles is more than a quick run down to the doughnut shop! :8: I'd be raising a ruckus over that one! :7:
...Today I take the Truck over to local Car-Wash... Im paying the girl at the booth when suddendly everyone reacts including me to this loud, terrible metal grinding screeching noise coming from MY TRUCK ...
The A-hole attendant forgot the car was idiling in park and turned the Ignition!!!
Hate dumasses....hate 'em.
irontrain said:
.......The mud in the back, a full detailing should suffice.......

I wonder what the going mileage for a complete detail is, about 78 miles is my guess. ;)
I know exactly how you feel. I took my Av into my dealer for oil change, rotate tires, and some other issues. In addition I had an insurance claim to have the paint repaired from some jerk keying the side of my Av. I figured it was so new that I would just have the Chevy garage repair it since they would do this all the time. It went to the body shop first, invoice said recieved on Tues at 7400 miles. Went to the mechanical shop on Thurs, invoice logged in at 7340 miles. I picked it up on Fri, and it had 7402 miles on it. Now I did not check the miles when I dropped it off, but was pretty sure that I had more gas in it than when I picked it up.
The service writer says it must be a typo, but I know that when I dropped it off that the mileage was written down by the mechanical service advisor and his invoice said 7340 miles, but it was dated for Thurs, two days LATER than when the body shop logged it in at 7400 miles. :eek:

I have my suspitions as to what happened, but cannot prove anything. I will definitely write down my mileage next time!!! :8:

Sometimes I think that dealers should hire monkeys instead. At least they would be honest. :6:
Not sure you could train a monkey to do the work of a technicain or bodyman - but it would help with my overhead if I could replace my techs with monkeys - why the savings on uniforms, insurance and wages alone would let me buy a couple more AVs ;) :D ;D

I will agree that it is very bad about the mileage abuse of your vehicle - it is those very things that give my industry such a black eye - I work endlessly to improve the industry reputation with my business ethics and the way I treat customers - I can also say that the average test drive required by my shop for my techs is - 5 miles to verify problems and 5 miles to confirm repair. Sometimes issues arise that require more test mileage but the customer is always told about it and compensated for fuel. ;) :D
TexAVfan said:
Not sure you could train a monkey to do the work of a technicain or bodyman - but it would help with my overhead if I could replace my techs with monkeys - why the savings on uniforms, insurance and wages alone would let me buy a couple more AVs ?;) :D ;D

Nah, the custom monkey uniforms would break ya ! >:D ;)
Edward K said:
Nah, the custom monkey uniforms would break ya ! >:D ;)

Monkeys could go naked ;)
Now calm down ED - dont get worked up I said could not are (y)

Sorry for going off topic guys - Wheres a darn Moderator when you need one :2:
My issue is not with the test drive, as I had inquired about possible lag in the tranny shifting gears, I expected some mileage, and the mech advisor said they have a preset route that they drive for a road test, so they know how much mileage they should have put on the vehicle. (less than six miles total is what he told me).

What gets me is the discrepancy between dates, mileage figures, and my gut feeling when I picked it up.

I am truly a Car Nut, and can usually pick things out that most people would miss. Things like how much gas was in the tank I will remember for monthes, and sometimes even years. My wife calls me obsessive about this stuff, but she happily puts up with it because she knows that that is who I am.

I disagree about the monkeys. All you need is one guy to diagnose, and a bunch of monkeys to follow the service manual to fix the problem. I hear they will work for peanuts. (or was that elephants??) >:D
I took my van in once for a small paint repair and it took a week. I kept asking why is this taking so long and they told me the place was backed up and paid for my rental.

A couple of days after I got it back I found small pieces of glass under a seat. I then started to press them.

I found out my van and several other cars were broken into at the repair place. But nobody had the B*LLS to tell me.

I had alot of bad service trips with Dodge and Chevy.

I swore I'd never buy another Chevy, But......then there's the AV. I hope service is better with a different dealer.

Good reports for Lincoln and Nissan.

Even when the wife drive's it. It's my toy!

One way I have made sure that my AV is not driven by anyone I don't want to drive it ~~ I make sure that the full mileage is written on the work order so it is cleat what the mileage was when I dropped it off.

for an oil change - any miles over one gets a rental fee attached!
Most are indeed valid points but I think in all you're just a teensy bit over the edge. :)
Years ago I was in charge of fleet maintenance for company cars at a place I worked at. We had a garage that we used for all maintenance. The manager there would drive a customers car home every single day. (Imagine the wear and tear you would save on your AV if you could do that!) Said it was to "Give an extended test drive!". Yeah, Right!!!

I told the owner of my company, he said that as long as their insurance covered the vehicle, he did not care! I do not know if it would. Most garages have a clause that says they are not responsible for theft or damage while vehicles are in their possesion. I am surprised that they fixed your broken window FSUGUY.

A little of a update from my first post. After not getting anywhere with the body shop I went to my salesperson who took me to the owners office to discuss the matter. After hearing what I had to say he offered me a full up plus 1 year of oil changes. ( I change my own oil,but I guess the idea was nice.) We ended up agreeing on three free fill ups, And you better believe I will be running on fumes when I pull in.I am not sure he believed what I had to say, I think it he just wanted to be done with it. I have been a good customer in the past and I think he though he should do something. He told me he was sorry for what had happened and had the body shop lady ?say sorry also, which was nice because she was a real _____. (fill in the blank). I guess if there is a next time I will have to take my camera and take a picture showing the miles with the date and time on the picture. Granted this is a little mom and pop dealership, But I am sure it happens else where.
I am still not happy about what happen, But what else can I really do. I tried to be nice about it. It's there word against mine.
I have noticed lately that Tex seems to go off topic a lot lately... makes you wonder ;)
Not all of us dealership tech's are bad. There are some of us, like myself who treat the customer vehicles with care, and if something should happen to it when we are repairing it, we are held responsible 100%
I hope they made you happy in the end.
flynhigh said:
I have noticed lately that Tex seems to go off topic a lot ?lately... makes you wonder ?;)
Maybe the pressure is getting to him??

To keep it on topic...

It would be worth letting the service manager know when you drop your baby off, that you have reset recorded the current kilometres milage and you will be looking for any excessive readings.

If they are forwarned it may just act as a deterent.
That is just ridiculous that they took it for a joyride :7:
But a lot of the times there isn't a lot that you can do.
Last summer I took my AV in to get some repairs done, I noted the mileage when I brought it in, and when I picked it up I forgot to look at it until I got home but after subtracting the mileage from my drive back home which is rather easy because I know it, I figured that an extra 70 miles had been put on :8: I was very furious, I immediately phoned the service department and asked what was up, they also noted that that was correct, and said that it was necessary, because they had five different guys (the tech working on the problem, thehead tech, the manager, the owner, and one other tech that had worked on my AV before) take it out to make sure everything was fixed. The problem that I had was a vibrating noise that only happened when accelerating in first through second gears and going up hills.

However I still can't justify 70 miles, first of all they should have asked my permission, second they should have told me when I picked it up and third they should have given me a free oil check or some kind of compensation. :7:

-James R.
The main reason I even own an AV is because of GM tech that is a buddie of mine ;D. He talked me into getting it, now I hold him responable for fixing it. It works out for both of us. He gets paid to do the work, I get the baddest truck on the road and I can trust that he will jack me around. Now if I can only get him to make the payments ???

avaeverafter said:
.....and had the body shop lady ?say sorry also, which was nice because she was a real _____. (fill in the blank).....

Nice person ? Good lookin gal ? Sharp dresser ? :rolleyes: ;)
Skidd said:
Maybe the pressure is getting to him??

To keep it on topic...

It would be worth letting the service manager know when you drop your baby off, that you have reset recorded the current kilometres milage and you will be looking for any excessive readings.

If they are forwarned it may just act as a deterent.

If something breaks on SKidds AV, where does he take it for warranty work?
