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Not one set of ambers in a 1500 mi ride


SM 2007
Full Member
Feb 4, 2007
Muskego, WI
Had to go to Pierre SD Friday for business and went from Milw, WI up and across I-90 all the way there and back. Not one single set of Ambers was to be found. Counted well over 30 AV's . Ya they were all going in the opposite direction, so I didn't ave any opportunities to tag any.

Wake up Minnesota and South Dakota and get some tagging done!!!!!!!
Only saw one set of ambers down here.  And it wasn't me.  I like the DRLs just the way they are.  Sorry guys.
We were also on a trip March 21-26, from Minnesota to Louisville, KY. 
Saw a lot of AV's, only 1 had ambers just outside of Louisville.