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NYC=avalanche/ext City! ?


SM 2003
Full Member
Aug 3, 2002
Lindenwold, NJ
i just got back from a relaxing day in nyc.. i was relying on public transportation that's why it was relaxing (i refuse to drive my car in the city, forget the av! all those potential accidents! :eek: )

anyway, i saw no less than 5 avs and 7 caddy ext's.. lotsa 22's on them.. >:D guess they don't do much off roading in manhattan.. didn't have the flyers with me, so no taggin was done ?:6:

there was one caddy that sticks out in my memory (like a sore thumb).. someone had taken their beautiful caddy ext and painted the bed cladding purple which looked ok.. ?:cautious: however, they had done the rest of the truck in a :eek: :eek: :eek: purple/yellow plaid!!! ?:eek: :eek: :eek:

what where they thinking.. lol.. i was dying to take pics, but didn't have a camera on me and it had to be the one corner in midtown that didn't have a drugstore on the corner.. no disposable cameras to be found.. :cautious:

i apologize if this is belongs to someone on here and to do agree to each his own, but plaid! ;)

what's the worst u've seen anyone do to an av?
Make up your mind did you have a relaxing day or were you in manhattan lol I have seen a couple here and there but you expect them to see your av and say oh look at that AV and start a conversation but it doesn't happen here
The wife and I have seen a ton of them in the Bay Area. Unfortunately we are never in a position to tag them whe we see them :cautious:

Adding big wheels and performance tires seems to be the thing to do here as well. Although I have seen a few AV's lifted like mine.

We went X-mas shopping on 12/7, and that was one thing I never saw at all--an Av or EXT. Well, except for one, it was a fully stock black EXT. Other than that, nothing, zero! Kind of suprised me actually.

All I ever saw were Town Cars every 2 feet and cabbies covering every other inch of the street in beat-up Crown Vics.

Yellow & Purple plaid! Boy, do I wish I could see that one..... :eek:
What's wrong with painting a $50,000 truck purple....and plaid nonetheless.....makes perfect sense to me.... ;D >:D
