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Poor Drivers Spotted


Charter Member
Full Member
Mar 13, 2002
Long Island, New York
One thing about owning an Avy that absolutely drives me nuts is how people drive when they see me. They don't keep their eyes on the road. Instead they keep them glued on my truck.
One experience I had on the highway was this guy who speeds up in the left lane to pull next to me. Now he's staring at me and he won't stop. Finally I get anoyed and slowed down a little. He passes me. I now change into the Left lane. Upon noticing that I am behind him he slows down. I was going 70 but now I realize I am going 45. People are now wizzing past me and giving me their brights. I go back into the middle lane to pass him and then it was on. It was am all out race. This guy in his mid 80's beat up Chrysler Minivan is racing me because he doesn't want me to get in front of him. Road rage now kicks in. There is no way this guy is going to beat me. I had my Avy up to 95 MPH in order to pass this A-Hole. Finally I did when a big plume of smoke came out from under his hood and well I guess at that point he was coasting.
I had to vent guys but trust me when I say I experience similar event at least every 2 weeks. This has never happened to me before with any of the other cars I have owned.
Please take the "Road Rage Test" in the bar - but I understand your frustration - there are an incredible number of jerks on the road nowdays. ;D
I don't understand what in the heck that guy was thinking!!! You know you can only take so much before you start getting frustrated with idiots.....good job!
Yes, it's funny how people relate size to speed. People try to pass me all the time and I think because the AV is so tall and heavy. I think they want to get around me so they can see ahead.

So road rage kicks in and I have to leverage my 285 horses. Bye Bye A-Hole. :cool:
You would think that ultimately 95% of vehicles on the road would have to yield to an Av just because of its size. With maybe the exception of an Excursion or a four-door full-length bed dually pickup, the Av is one of the biggest, meanest looking vehicles on the planet.

But alas, probably 15% of drivers are total jacka$$es, who feel so low about themselves that they would risk life and limb to try and do something so lame as to show up another driver and their vehicle while traveling at high speeds. For them, driver courtesy is a sign of weakness.

How pathetic these people are! They probably go home from work and get yelled at by their spouses and then stay up late on the internet, flaming people on forums to prove how tough they are. Since their life is so miserable, they figure they might as well take others down to their level.

Next time this happens on the road, DO NOT stoop to their level. Just smile and wave to them. It is not worth your life or the life of some innocent person. If they persist is being a jacka$$, pick up the cell phone and dial 9-1-1. Maybe they'll learn their lesson when they have to sit in the slammer overnight for reckless driving. Probably not, but at least they're off the street for the night!
Me next, me next, me next!

Last Friday, I was merging onto the freeway overpass (i.e. short acceleration lane) from the highway that runs underneath. I had to keep within the acceleration lane to let a car slip past before I cut in. At the same time, the guy (kid) that followed me up the ramp, merges behind the same car and accelerates right up behind it and prevents me from merging. The shoulder was just wide enough to accomodate the Av, so I didn't scrape along the bridge railing and I was able to get onto the freeway once he had passed.

Now, here's the funny part... in his back window he had written with bright white paint the words "FOR SALE" along with... get this... HIS PHONE NUMBER!!!

Did I mention I had my cell phone with me? When he answered his phone, I flashed my brights and said, "GUESS WHO A$$HOLE!" Needless to say, he took the next exit and disappeared.

I was way to pissed to laugh at the time, but I guess it seems pretty funny now.
timcosco.....That is a classic! ;D That is the exact reason you shouldn't put your cell number on your car!!! LMAO ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
That is priceless - what a jerk - glad you didn't scuff up the wheels - good reason to have the 4 light option on high beams! ;D
Tim - what a great story! Did you tell him you were shifting to 4-Lo to run him over when you were on the phone?

Gads one of the best aggresive driving stories I've ever read!