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Radio Signal Loss When HIDs On?


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Jul 18, 2002
Cooperstown, New York
I noticed the other day that when I turned my HIDs on, I lost almost all radio signal. This is something new, never had an issue before, and it doesn't do it with any of my other Aux lights. I haven't got aclue as to what may have caused this :E: ???. The voltage doesn't drop at all. I'm open to any and all suggestions.

I have the HIDs too, What brand to you have? Try grounding the ballast to the frame(The big box every thing plugs into) This may help

someone else was having problems with it creating a buzz, seems that some brands aren't shielded very well
Mine are from the site sponsor XBEAM. I've used them for the past 2 years w/o a problem. Just FYI, these are highbeam HIDs not lowbeam. I will say that it does seem like it all started after I added a couple more mods last week.

james21 said:
Mine are from the site sponsor XBEAM.
who is that?
This is the third or fourth case I have heard about HIDs interfering with FM radio...  Don't think I have seen anyone come up with a solution yet.
Well I find out yesterday that it won't affect my sirius, so thats a plus.
