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RadioShack RC Avalanche Marked Down To $59.97


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Jan 10, 2002
Edmonds, WA
Yup, the 7.2 volt RadioShack 1:8 to 1:10 scale Avalanche has been marked down to $59.97 from $99.99 for the holidays. ?Couldn't resist and bought one to bring to my office at work. ? >:D ?They are going fast I was told at the price point - the Avalanche seems to be a very popular RC model this year. ? (y)

Edited to make the size a bit smaller - however it still a darn good deal for $59.97!
Now that is great..nothing like dropping a few bucks off anything Av related....maybe we can make this a future raffle item... ;D :B:
Gotta get to my Shack ASAP. I wanted one at Wal Mart before Xmas, but they wanted $99 at the time. What colors did they have?
midlifecrisis said:
Gotta get to my Shack ASAP. ?I wanted one at Wal Mart before Xmas, but they wanted $99 at the time. ?What colors did they have?

Pewter, pewter, or pewter. :6:

:0: I feel a mod coming on - spray paint with clear coat! >:D
For more information you can click here, however they do not have it on sale online.


The thing is FAST. ?I was lucky, got the floor model so I got the 7.2 battery for free AND the extended warranty free. ? ;D
I just checked the 'Shack closest to me. Only two damaged ones. Now I gotta go hunting!
Steelheadchaser said:
I just checked the 'Shack closest to me. Only two damaged ones. Now I gotta go hunting!

My biggest complaint is the decals appear to have been put on by a drunk five year old. However I plan to strip the body from the chassis (a four screw project) strip, clean, sand and then paint the upper section in Indigo Blue to match my Av with a clear coat. Then I'll see if I can find some small Avalanche and Chevrolet decals to make it complete. Also will paint the bed area black to match the liner - there are no cargo covers on the Av...
Hmm I think I saw a couple the other day at Radio Shack - blue ones with a boat trailer. ?I will have to go back and check it out now - hopefully I wasn't seeing things... ?:p

Nope just checked out the web site - they are not the 7.2v ones. But it is blue >:D

Here is that link on the Radio Shack site.
Santa finally came through,
I got what I wanted for Christmas. ;D
I got it yesterday for $59.97, brand new in the box.
Last one!
The only complaint is the decals are hokey. :D:
I used a hair dryer to heat and remove them. >:D
Now that's my AV! Looks much better now. :love:
This sucker is real 4X4 too. Well worth the money. (y)
Now, do I start moding this one too?????? :0:
Went last night, but the only one they had was all beat up and they were only willing to take 10% off.
I'd rather pay full price and beat it up myself...
I called a couple of other stores, with no luck :6:

The newbright Av is also pretty hot...If I'm not mistaken it doesn't come with all the cheesy stickers like the NIkko version does....

SimTechRay help me out here...I believe yours was the NewBright...I think... :B:


I can help you out with this one, since I got one for Christmas myself...... ;D
Take a look here for size and paint:

The New Bright is 1:6 scale, the Radio Shack is actually about 1:10 scale. The smaller Nikko in the pic is 1:20 and the painted Matchbox is 1:64 scale. The New Bright has one silly decal that states : "Rear Doors do not open", and that just peels off, leaving a pretty decent paintjob without many decals to irritate the eyes.....

Gawd, I love toys...... :love:

Chief said:
The thing is FAST. ?I was lucky, got the floor model so I got the 7.2 battery for free AND the extended warranty free. ? ;D


How did you get the Shack to come off the 7.2 battery. Around here they won't budge from $24.99 for the battery. That's even on the floor model. All they want to do is an extra warranty. I've found several new in the box and am leaning that way.
dmacker said:

How did you get the Shack to come off the 7.2 battery. Around here they won't budge from $24.99 for the battery. That's even on the floor model. All they want to do is an extra warranty. I've found several new in the box and am leaning that way.

To be honest, I just think the sales drone forgot to take it out. I did not get a charger so I had to shell out $29.99 anyway - but now I've got two batteries. :2:

I'm going to give mine the hair dryer treatment, sand the body and paint it Indigo to match my Av. The way it is assembled it makes it very easy to mod. I can even remove the front grille and windows so they don't get sprayed. Also plan to paint in the fog lamps and DRL's. Ya I know - I'm bitten by the mod bug...
;D After calling "SEVERAL" stores, I finially found one. New in box [so they say]. I'm gonna go pick it up after work. Guess I'll need the battery and charger as well. ;D

Woop PEEEeeeeeee!!
BlancheTheAvalanche said:
;D ? After calling "SEVERAL" stores, I finially found one. New in box [so they say]. I'm gonna go pick it up after work. Guess I'll need the battery and charger as well. ;D

Woop PEEEeeeeeee!!

Congrats on the find! They are getting harder and harder to locate. I know that come later in the year we could ask someone in Houston to scope out the RadioShack Outlet store off Beltway 8...can always find moldy oldies there! ;D
Chief said:
Congrats on the find! ?They are getting harder and harder to locate. ?I know that come later in the year we could ask someone in Houston to scope out the RadioShack Outlet store off Beltway 8...can always find moldy oldies there! ? ;D
I just looked around Ebay..and there are many RC Av's available for purchase in case anyone has any problems finding them locally...it may be worth checking out... :B:
Mac, not sure if you found one by you but the RS in my area has one left after tonight >:D
I got my Radio Shack Avalanche the other days and painted it just like mine. I think it looks cool. I picked up a battery charger from a local hobby shop here in town instead of getting the battery and charger from Radio Shack. This charger will charge a 2000mah battery in 15mins. ;D
Greetings all. I am not sure if I have put this topic in the correct category or not. This is my first post since The new format of the site. To those responsible,.... GREAT JOB!
I just ordered a "New Bright" 1/6 scale Avalanche. I got last years model on line for a GREAT price ,.... I think. ($109.00) They only come in Black and Red. Has anyone purchased one prior and tried painting them to match the real AV? I have indego blue and after some play time with the R/C, may try to paint the red R/C to match the indego blue.
Also the "New" model New Bright AV's are available now. They have the black cladding, as oppose to the gray, AND the lower portion of the cladding is painted gold. Looks pretty sharp.