The rear seat heaters are not an option in the Avalanche. They are in the Escalade EXT, When I was doing my research I found The ext would not work in the AV. The ext heaters come with all separate componets There are the heater, overload thermister, voltage reguator, and a large control processor. these all came separate and everything tied into the processor along with the frount heaters and all the swithes. I went with the AV frount seat heaters because all the componets come as a package allready installed in the seat heater assembly, Also the ext heater was shaped different and would not fit properly on the seat do to the contour not allowing the velcro to line up. The AV ones are the easyest and cheaper way to go. The heaters and swithes are matched and work together to supply voltage to the heater for the two settings. The only catch is you have to use two of the frount passenger switchs because the driver has the seat memory on it, I thought this was minor, But my 5year old son told me I installed one switch backwards.The switchs are straight on one side and round on the other. When installed they are oposite to each othe I did not think anyone would notice I was wrong Owell.