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Registered The AV


Charter Member
SM 2003
Full Member
Feb 24, 2002
Columbus Ohio
I have been meaning to write about this.

I went down to the BMV (Ohio calls them BMV's insteand of DMV's I have no idea why) on a Wednesday afternoon, to register the AV. I had always heard that wednesday afternoons were dead at the BMV, but I had no idea how dead.

Anyway, I pulled up right in front of the big widows of the BMV, and saw all the heads inside the place turn. As I started getting out of the truck, all the employees came running out. Soon, I had a crowd around the AV.

Finally, the manager spoke and asked to see how the truck changed. It was the first AV that this paticular BMV had ever registered. I have never had such helpful and quick service with a BMV before.

I hate the DMV and now I wonder what BMV stands for.

Bring Material while Visiting?

Best Manners or Vamoose?
I was thinking Bureau of Motor Vehicles? Pretty good one Spork. Hard to believe any workers on the state dole were interested (no offense intended) as the ones around here are really good at saying "NEXT IN LINE" and not caring about what your business being there is so long as all your peperwork is in order.

When I was out getting my dad's boat out of storage for him this weekend (my brother borrowed his Durango), I had to show a couple folks how the conversion works. I guess I was feeling generous as I didn't ask for the almighty dollar!

Hello all,
Nice story. Here in California we have the DMV. The place where all drivers licenses (operators license) are made in Sacramento regardless of where you live.....
If anyone out there is familar with California, what is the cheapest way to register an Avalanche?
I'm transferring my old personalized plates to the Avalanche. (COOL-TWK) They expire in August.
Thanks Durwin
You mean you actually got a smile out of those folks...sheesh!!!! Take a lot more than an Av to put a smile on the folks that work in the DMV up here... :(
jamie said:
I was thinking Bureau of Motor Vehicles? Pretty good one Spork. Hard to believe any workers on the state dole were interested (no offense intended) as the ones around here are really good at saying "NEXT IN LINE" and not caring about what your business being there is so long as all your peperwork is in order.

When I was out getting my dad's boat out of storage for him this weekend (my brother borrowed his Durango), I had to show a couple folks how the conversion works. I guess I was feeling generous as I didn't ask for the almighty dollar!


Must have been the week end to start boating season.
We also took boats out of storage last Saturday.
First time pulling with AV. Had two 454 Suburbans
previously and was not sure how the AV would handle
some of the BIG boats. It was no sweat for the 8.1.
Hauled a 30 ft Chris Craft Cruises and my 33 ft cruiser about 2 miles from a warehouse to the local marina.
There is a grade coming out of the storage area that is only partially paved did not spin a wheel with either of the larger boats and no strain on engine.
Well, as I said I had the only car there. Ohio tends to put little BMV offices all over the place in strip malls. In just my end of Columbus, I know of 6 different BMVs. So, it is not unheard of these guys not to have seen an AV yet.

One time at the DMV I was renewing my driver's license. I was paying by check. I asked them if they needed to see my driver's license. I think it went over their head. :p Or they'd heard it 1000 times.