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Retirement ceremony


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Apr 28, 2004
Lawton, OK
My retirement ceremony is this Thursday. Man am I nervous, Just guess it is the thought of the un-known right now.

I am giving a 2 minute speech and don't want to glorify what I did. Just make it a little light hearted and fun. I will post pics of it.

SamHouseIII said:
Old Fart, I am only 39? :laugh: :beating:


Yeah , I thought you were a little older than I (33) but if you throw the retirement word out there then people are gonna think you are an old fart.......maybe you could use some jokes for the monthly joke page in your speach? or a good Hilary Clinto joke works everytime..
Hey stingray502, you are 33? You old fart!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I'm so much younger than you (32).

Hey Sam, I'm sure your only problem will be to stop your speech after 2 min, buddy :laugh:

COngrats on your achievement!

Everytime I go to one anymore, I get all choked up... I guess because I know mine is gonna happen some day. I'm only at 21.5 years, with no plans on retiring any time soon... but I can't imagine what I'll do when I don't have to put on the uniform every day...
stingray502 said:
Yeah , I thought you were a little older than I (33) but if you throw the retirement word out there then people are gonna think you are an old fart.......maybe you could use some jokes for the monthly joke page in your speach? or a good Hilary Clinto joke works everytime..
Or something from the "Al Gore's Greatest hits" library, spelling B, Global warming.  There is a wealth of laughter in anything that ever came out of his mouth!  :laugh:

Congrats on your achievement!!
Schelbi said:
Hey stingray502, you are 33? You old fart!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so much younger than you (32).


You guys are all old farts >:D I'm 14 ;D
JSH said:
You guys are all old farts >:D I'm 14 ;D

But we can drive........ >:D...... :laugh:

Good luck on the retirement...and congrats... :wave:
Congrats on reaching a big event in your career, Sam!

Did you get your speech prepared & practiced for tomorrow's ceremony?
get a video of it.  let us share in the great event.
I will try and get the video, Go in a few hours for this. I feel it is a good speech. I got a lot of great ideas and did incorp them into the speech from the threads, What you will and won't miss from the Military.

Thanks all

SamHouseIII said:
I will try and get the video, Go in a few hours for this. I feel it is a good speech. I got a lot of great ideas and did incorp them into the speech from the threads, What you will and won't miss from the Military.

Thanks all

can we get a a preview?  at the very least, can you share it with us after you give it?
SamHouseIII said:
I will try and get the video, Go in a few hours for this. I feel it is a good speech. I got a lot of great ideas and did incorp them into the speech from the threads, What you will and won't miss from the Military.

Thanks all

best of luck Sam, thanks for your service
grnxnam said:
can we get a a preview?? at the very least, can you share it with us after you give it?

Col Cardillo, CSM Cabrera, Dis tingushed guest, Soldiers, Family members, And most important; My wife, Jodi to whom I love dearly.

I promise to make this short.

WOW!! What a ride. 21 years and some change. I am not going to tell any war stories. Just a few things that I will and won't miss from the Army.

Things that I won't miss from the Army;

24 hour duties; These turn out to be more like 30 hours long.

The pay; Sure it's ok, but not that ok. I still am not a millionaire.

2nd Lieutenants, I guess it should be mandatory that they be issued to NCO's up until at least CPT.

Painting/tanning rocks; I think it is a class in the SGM academy called area beautification 101.

Lovely weather when you are training in the field, It will always rain for the first 3 days and the last 3 days of any field problem guaranteed.

Waking up at 0515, Yeah that's going to change when I retire.

Now I can't say that I won't miss these things? all together but how about things that I will miss.

5 day weekends, Which I will never see again.

Travel, I got to go more places than you could ever imagine.

Comade re, No other country, Army or company in the world has what we have.

Live fire exercises, Nothing like seeing steel on target.

Friends that I have made all over the world, But it is even harder when you leave those places.

Training Soldiers/taking care of soldiers. This is the one thing I will miss the most.

Serving my Nation and the Army. I loved and enjoyed every moment of it and by far I will miss this the most.

Will I miss the Army in my life, You Bet I will. Be at some point, We all must leave. I hope to serve you all in a Civilian capacity down the road. I only ask that you give your all, Remember the basic's and live the Army Values in all you do.

I leave you with this, It is not about what is good or bad, what you will miss or not miss.

It is about; Knowing that you have made a difference in your life and your Soldier's lives that count.

Thank You
