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sail panel leds


SM 2005
Full Member
Jul 16, 2005
having a hard time trying to get my sail panel lights to sit  flush into the sail panel anyone out there with any answer
The problem I found that was you need to shave a small amount of plastic off the inside of the clip which then allows the LED casing to slide down so that the LED is flush with the plastic clip.  If you don't do this the LED is incredibly hard to push down and in my case I ended up with couple of lights about 1/8" proud that I need to take out and redo.
i'm sure its out there, but thought I would ask here.  where do you get the proper leds for the sails?  any brand or type that works better?
There are a few different types:

Most members have purchased them from www.superbrightleds.com Scroll thru the led section and look for 5mm or 10 mm bolts. 

Other members have bought the "flush" mount LED's from Radio Shack.