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Some People Just Plain Suck


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Jan 10, 2002
Edmonds, WA
Thursday night I took the kidlets out to dinner up in Lynnwood, Washington. The weather has been a tad unseasonable this winter so I was driving with the sunroof in the "vent" position. We parked went in and we ate.

When we got into the Avalanche we all noticed an acrid smokey smell. There was no smoke in the cab and I had no idea where it was coming from. It smelled like a combination of a house fire and cigarettes so I assumed that there must have been a fire near by. I turned on the air recirculation but that didn't help. I then started worrying that maybe my Magnaflow system was leaking. The acrid taste in my mouth was sort of like when a catalytic converter has died, but it didn't have that burning matches smell to it.

When we got home I noticed that my clothes oozed of smoke. The next morning the inside of the Avalanche smelt even worse. For the life of me I couldn't figure out what was going on. However as I drove to work that morning the smell dissapeared. Hmmmm, haven't done those cabin air filters since I bought the Avalanche - maybe that's the problem.

So Saturday I went to clean out the inside of the Avalanche and it was then I discovered the source of the smell. It seems as though someone decided that I shouldn't have something nicer than they have. The climbed up on the assist step and pitched a lit cigarette into my parked Avalanche while I was eating. :8: :8: :8: :8: :8:

The acrid smoke I was smelling was the cigarette smouldering on the floor of the Avalanche. It had burned down to the filter and was just some white ash on the floor. No wonder it all smelt so bad.

Now here it the lucky break. (y) I can only "guess" at what happened but it appears that the cigarette either glanced off of the armrest or my seat and landed on the floor mat on the driver side. Other than a white mark there is no damage. The acrid part of the smoke must have been chemicals coming off of the lightly burning mat. But I'm here to tell you that the stock heavy floor mats on the Avalanche are AWESOME. The damage to it is bearly noticable and clearly the things are just about fire proof.

Anyway - people can suck, but it does appear that this attempt didn't work out as planned. I've had cars with sunroofs since 1988 and I've NEVER had this happen before.

A bad economy seems to bring out the worst in people...
that jerk is lucky he didn't try that with my av...i'd hunt him down and get myself thrown in jail when i got done with him...

my av is like my substitute wife right now...since with the monthly payments i can't exactly afford a g/f and the truck...so now one messes with her

I would move out of WA as soon as Possible Your luck there has been as bad as it could possibly be :8:

and I thought the people in California could be bad :cautious:
Damn, Chief. What else could possibly happen to you? Does your liscense plate read "Al Queda" ??
Just kidding, of course. But if I had YOUR luck, I would be seeing a shrink!
Manny was hanging out with me on Thursday evening in New York, so it wasn't him
That sorry SOB could have burned your AV to the tires!!! :8: :7: :8: :7: :8: :7: :8:

Chief....just let me know when I need to organize a posse. I think we need to come up and re-educate some of the members of your state. >:D
byron said:
That sorry SOB could have burned your AV to the tires!!! ? :8: :7: :8: :7: :8: :7: :8:

Chief....just let me know when I need to organize a posse. ?I think we need to come up and re-educate some of the members of your state. ? >:D

That was my thought. My nine-year-old wanted to take the cigarette butt to the police so they could do a DNA match and find the person who did it. I had to give him the sad explanation of the US legal system and how it really works. The police aren't going to run a DNA match on the cigarette son...
Chief, ?maybe it's not just the economy (although that could be a factor in the general mood of most people) but your thoughts on "if-I-can't-have-it-neither-should-you" might be on track for the anti-SUV folks. ?Many of the anti-SUV Web sites are full of loudmouth wannbes bragging about tagging trucks like ours but in reality 99%+ are just envious of that which they can't have. ?To some degree it's a class war that involves a whole lot more smoke than fire (in your case, literally!) ?Aside from the aggravation, you came out OK. Yes, it's also a testimony to the good design of our trucks, even down to the floormats, although I'm pretty sure it was never envisioned that they should be fire resistant to avoid incidents like this. ?Your truck is OK, and more importantly you and your family are OK. ?This just reminds us to be vigilant and get a good alarm for when we can't be there.

I'm not one to let things go without a response but sometimes you just can't do anything.

When I was driving my Camaro with t-tops, I had a large dump truck pull up along side on a nice summer day and the truck's passenger threw a Big Gulp down on top of me and laugh. ?Same class of @sshole who put a lit cigarette in your sunroof. ?Two of them vs. one of me, all I could do was call the police to report it (no injury or significant damage so they weren't concerned) and the trucking company (no positive ID on which truck it was.) ? :8: :8: :8:
I am sorry to hear that happened to your Av ..... Now I know that I don't currently own a av (in the process of tradeing) ... but my .02 cents says that some people just dont' have respect for what others have ... If we would all just respect one another and what each other has then the world would be a better place (I am really really sorry for what happened to you and your Av) :cry:
flynhigh said:

I would move out of WA as soon as Possible ?Your luck there has been as bad as it could possibly be ?:8:

and I thought the people in California could be bad ?:cautious:

I consider this good luck - bad luck would have been coming out and finding my Av in flames. Of course that would have given me a really good excuse to buy a 2003! >:D
Chief, sorry to hear about this. Some people have to screw things up for others out of jealousy.

As far as tagging SUVs goes, regardless of whether it's with stickers or more severe vandalsim, I believe one tag deserves another. So in that spirit, I am willing to oblige. In keeping with an environmentally friendly approach, I use an aluminum bat, instead of a wooden one. Besides, it leaves no telltale splinters or woodgrain impressions. >:D

If you ever find the pr!cks that did this, their punishment should consist of two words; blanket party! >:D
That sucks Chief I am glade to hear that there was not too much damage done and that the floor mats hold up well
Chief, what restaurant were you parked outside of? I spend a fair amount of time in the Looneywood/Edmonds area.
Steelheadchaser said:
Chief, what restaurant were you parked outside of? I spend a fair amount of time in the Looneywood/Edmonds area.

So are you saying they did that to Chief to get at you :7: >:D

I always wondered about you Steel :6:
flynhigh said:
So are you saying they did that to Chief to get at you ?:7: ? >:D ?

I always wondered about you Steel ?:6:

??? That is a non sequitar, Flyn. ??? What are you talking about?
Sorry to hear that Chief...I know first hand also, the ingorance of some people.

A couple of years ago, when i had just gotten my F150 supercrew. NOT EVEN 1 week of ownership, i went to the club. Was out dancing for about 4-5 hours. When we went to leave, my friend asked, "DUDE, WHATS UP WITH THAT!!!" Seems some butthole TOTALLY ripped off my passenger side rearview mirror. I still had the paper plate in the window and all.

Needless to say, i was super p*ssed off. The mirror was no where in site. I figured they took it for a souvingeer. (sp?) I had just got back from hunting that night, and had a 12 gauge shot gun under rear seat. Grabbed it, loaded it and laid in on rear seat...then went looking into windows of cars in the area to see if i saw my mirror. Lucky i didn't find it, or i would have probably gotten in some trouble.

Random acts of violence suck. I've had beverage containers (glass, paper, plastic) thrown my way while riding a bicycle, vehicle egged, house vandalized, property stolen, and was once assaulted. I'm just glad to still be here to tell the tales. Remember, it (usually) isn't personal, and what goes around comes around.
Nothing pisses me off more than when somebody deliberately destroys property for no apparent reason whatsoever.

That is sooo not nice. What is it about people? I too am glad it turned out to be realively ok ie. you still have a car without melted upholstery.

Just before Christmas I took my three employees out to dinner at a very nice restaurant. There was no park on the main street near it, however I managed to park my Suburban in the first park on a side street. still visable from the restaurant and lit up like a Christmas tree next to a furniture store.

That day Skidd and I had been Christmas shopping for his parents and we bought them a $500 DVD player. We got home, I emptied the car of numerous other articles and left the DVD in the back for Skidd to get out, he thought I had got it out. Nothing else was said. Of course I had forgotton about it until I was driving home and dropping of the girls. I heard a car coming up behind me and looked in the rearvision mirror. The back window was missing. Heart in my throat I pulled over and opened the back. The window had been pushed in and the DVD taken, receipts and all. I felt sick. It was after midnight and I called Andrew with the news :cry: I had to go to the police station and report it, just for the insurance purposes.

So the evening cost $300 food
$500 DVD
$500 replacement DVD
$300 excess on the insurance
$$$ my time getting it repaired and being on the phone orgainising the whole damn thing.

Yes people can suck
I cannot tolerate people who can't leave others stuff alone. Wouldn't you just love to catch some SOB trying to so something to your AV????
LazKat said:
Chief, ?maybe it's not just the economy (although that could be a factor in the general mood of most people) but your thoughts on "if-I-can't-have-it-neither-should-you" might be on track for the anti-SUV folks. ?Many of the anti-SUV Web sites are full of loudmouth wannbes bragging about tagging trucks like ours . . .
the tree huggers are a little more activist up there near Seattle... :rolleyes:
Myself, I would use the word "militant". We're talking about destructive psychopaths.
Hey Steelheadchaser!

I was in the parking lot where Hooters, Old Country Buffet, McDonalds, and Chevy's is.