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Squeeky Back Seat


Full Member
Jun 5, 2002
I know it sounds dirty but this a legit complaint. Have any of you noticed your passenger side back (single) seat squeeking alot if someone is sitting in it while you drive. It sounds like a spring or something along those lines. I was just hoping someone had the problem so I could direct the dealer towards the issue.
He said the back seat.

What are you doing in the back seat the ruined the springs in the 1st place?? >:D

I knew this would go there.........I was wondering if I should even post it or not. ;)
I had the same problem.. annoying as hell. Fixed it by pulling the seat cover off half way and slipping a sheet of foam (the kind you line toolboxes with) in between the springs.. I know my description sucks but if you just slide the covers off and take a look you can easily see where the springs are rubbing against each other.
Hhhhmmmmm.....wearing out the springs in the backseat of the AV. Now just how did that happen.....hhmmmmm.

>:D >:D >:D >:D

mrowe8 said:
I knew this would go there.........I was wondering if I should even post it or not. ? ;)

What can I say? >:D It was right there.

i actually noticed this on my driver side seat. not that noticeable though. if it gets bad i'll try that remedy.