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Steering Problem



Have an ongoing problem with the steering. The truck
has the 17 in. tires. The problem is this, it will not track
straight down the road. It constantly pulls right or left depending on the slope of the road. I mean that it pulls
if I take my hands of the wheel for a second. I know that the slope will cause a pull but this is a bit much. It has been in the shop at least 4 times and is in right now.
I am constantly adjusting to road. I had it to an independent front end shop and the alignment is on the mark. The dealer has changed the steering box, pitman arm and put a new set of tire on the front. I am worndering if this is just the way it is or if there is a problem.
I find that if the road leans to the left the avy goes left and vice versa.... the severity depends on the road.

I am used to it as my previous vehicles all did it as well...Tahoe, Trooper, Merkor....

Question on a flat smooth road does it track straight?
I just got it back from the dealer and they found new
speck's on the 17in tires. It does go straight on a flat surface. The pull has been reduced with the new alignment. I am going to drive it for awhile and then let them know.
BigJim, got a copy of the new specs? I just had mine adjusted last week but hasn't seemed to make much of a difference. I'd like to show my dealer the specs or at least a reference to where my dealer can find the specs. Thanks.
The service manager go the spec's off the General Motors computer network not open to the public. The truck still slides right and left but not as bad. He told me that he still has 1 degree that he can go, but for me to drive it for a week. He doesn't want to over correct it. The steering is a little tighter. He did say there is a definite difference between the 16 and 17 in. tires, something I been trying to tell him for 2 months. I will call him monday and see if I can get a copy of the spec sheet.
I'll post it, if I get it.
Thanks BigJim. That'll really help me. Can't wait for them to try and tell me that it's normal or tire wear again. Besides, I don't even have 3k worth of miles on it yet. I'll be looking for your post. Thanks again.
Okay, it's not just my truck...

On uneven roads.. or ones that switch camber a lot, my head is bobbing from side to side as the truck feels like it's teetering back and forth on some odd axis. (due to body roll) It drives me crazy...

I've messed with the t-bars to get the back end to level out side to side. It was a measured 1.5" lower on the driver side for some reason. One t-bar is pretty tight, the other is just about stock. I figure this caused the behavior I was experiencing.

I brought the t-bar adjusters to a more reasonable setting, and the problem seemed to go away for the most part, just not completely. I'd like to get my free alignment done before 6500 with these new specs... :)
Just a minor update, I talked with the Shop Manager and he did confirm that he got the new spec's from the GM network. He would not give me a copy of the spec's but did say that all Dealer have the password to get into the site and obtain the same info.