I have looked for the last couple of years and I've not found a Suburban forum on the Internet. Considering the popularity and the great versitility of the Suburban, you'd think that there would be one.
If the Chevy Avalanche, which is a fun vehicle, but of limited interest, could generate THIS wonderful forum, the potential one for the Suburban would blow you away.
We've had one Suburban and it was a fabulous truck. My next one (when they make it) will be a three-quarter ton with a Duramax engine and Quadrasteer. Yeah, it will cost me 55K or 60K, but I'm convinced a lot of folks would be very willing to lay out the bread. (GM, are you listening?).
One thing that I've noticed: Suburban owners who buy their trucks new, and usually pay cash for them, call the rig "Suburban." Those who buy them used and finance their vehicles to the hilt call them "Burbies" or "Burbs." I have a brother-in-law like this and it really pisses me off.
Anyway, if you find a SUBURBAN (not Burbie) forum, I would very much appreciate knowing about it.