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Suburban Forum


Charter Member
Full Member
Mar 21, 2002
Tampa, FL
Anyone know of a good Suburban site? I see one in my future, and haven't found a 'burban site even close to the quality as this one. CAFCNA has spoiled me with its one stop shopping for Avalanche information.

Ut Oh, you aren't getting rid of the Avalanche are ya? Hopefully the Av will soon be shareing the driveway WITH the Suburb.
(to answer your question though, no I don't know of a forum)

I have looked for the last couple of years and I've not found a Suburban forum on the Internet. Considering the popularity and the great versitility of the Suburban, you'd think that there would be one.

If the Chevy Avalanche, which is a fun vehicle, but of limited interest, could generate THIS wonderful forum, the potential one for the Suburban would blow you away.

We've had one Suburban and it was a fabulous truck. My next one (when they make it) will be a three-quarter ton with a Duramax engine and Quadrasteer. Yeah, it will cost me 55K or 60K, but I'm convinced a lot of folks would be very willing to lay out the bread. (GM, are you listening?).

One thing that I've noticed: Suburban owners who buy their trucks new, and usually pay cash for them, call the rig "Suburban." Those who buy them used and finance their vehicles to the hilt call them "Burbies" or "Burbs." I have a brother-in-law like this and it really pisses me off.

Anyway, if you find a SUBURBAN (not Burbie) forum, I would very much appreciate knowing about it.

Last year my decision for a new vehicle came down to an Av vs. a Suburban. It was a tough choice, as both have great attributes. My wife made the final decision, and the Av it was. We've never looked back, and love our Av.

BTW - if calling a Suburban a Burbie is upsetting, what about calling an Avalanche an Avy? ;D

PS - one other option I considered at one point was the Chevy Express van with the custom captain chair interior with 2 TVs. It was the same MSRP, same engine, basically the same size as the Av. But the Av was four wheel drive, and drove much nicer. Although I've seen two neighbors buy the Express van and love it.
Bluanche - While I'd love to have both at once, its almost a dream with the cost of a new Suburban. I'm still teetering on which way to go; The wife loves the AV, but will soon need more seats to haul many kids around so a Suburban naturally comes to mind.

Steve - I was directed to Edmunds and they do have some discussions on Suburbans and Yukon XLs. Nothing like this place and most of the action is in one 144 page thread. They have multiple subjects being bounced around in that thread.

Midlife - I tried to offer an Astro van as a cross between the AV and a minivan, but the wife was not amused.

oh, burbies does sound bad, but 'burban has a ring to it.
My wife drives a Suburban and I've also tried to find a forum to join but I had no such luck. I"d love to try to a few mods on our Suburban or at least find someone to trade/sell parts.
Thanks for the heads-up on Edmunds. I'll have a look around.

Sorry about the Burbie comment. Just about anything my brother-in-law does pisses me off. I shan't go into it here, but it is for very, very good reason.

Actually, there are probably some very nice folks that call their Suburban a Burbie. And that's OK.

Man, the new 2500 Quadrasteer Suburban sure looks nice. Too bad they linked it to the 6.0 liter engine. It would be ultra-cool with an 8.1 (and a fifty gallon gas tank).

As I mentioned, a Duramax Suburban with Quadrasteer would be about the ultimate rig. Let's hope it comes to fruition.

I know what you mean. Maybe we could get our brother-in-laws to meet. Mine's been ran off of every car forum he's posted on. The forums have a hard time banning him because half the members think he's entertaining while the rest call him a nuisance. They think his personality is an act, but its really him. :p
well, we will soon have a 'Hoe in our family fleet (that's Tahoe speak) so I don't see it as a one or the other choice. Replacing a Durango with an '03 Tahoe LT 4x4 . . . so anybody know of a Tahoe site?

go Chevy or go home! (ok, so we still have a little non-Chevy Miata sleeping in the garage too)

Actually, since these three platforms are not all that different (in fact the dashes and interior trim are from the same parts bins, it seems, and the 5.3 is the same 5.3) I think my Av knowledge will apply often to the 'Hoe.
Twain said:
Anyone know of a good Suburban site? I see one in my future, and haven't found a 'burban site even close to the quality as this one. CAFCNA has spoiled me with its one stop shopping for Avalanche information.


You could just hang around here as the Suburban and the Avalanche share many of the same components.

My wife drives an 02 Suburbin. It's her third, and she loves it. I considered it when I traded my 01 Silverado, but I think the Avalanche I have is more flexible and useful. Now I added an S10 ZR2 to the fleet, to replace the TransAm that she never bonded with.

Always wanted to get "BURBIN" for her license plate, but hav not been able to persuade her