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tents attached to truck


Full Member
Mar 3, 2007
kalamazoo mi.
i saw on some web site a tent in the back of an avalanche...does anyone use one or know anything about them ? i thought they were kind of exspensive..was also wondering if water tended to pool in bed of truck
No water pooling, they are fairly simple to put up. They were (maybe still available thru GM parts. Several members have them and yo can occasionally  find one for sale on ebay.

Others that have them will chime in sooner or later about their
Chevy Avalanche Bed tent
I have one, no pics yet, although here is a thread with some Av Tent
As you know, the MI weather hasn't done too much to let me even put it on the truck yet, let alone go camping  :E:
GM makes one, and there is also a company called Campright that makes one that fits the av
mslater said:
i saw on some web site a tent in the back of an avalanche...does anyone use one or know anything about them ? YES i thought they were kind of exspensive..Define Expensive....was also wondering if water tended to pool in bed of truck...NO


did you ever find a tent?
have you used it?
if so... how do you like it?

Avalance and I have beeen talking about an AV tent camping trip....

We love our tents.... tons of fun  very comfortable


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danlwil said:

did you ever find a tent?
have you used it?
if so... how do you like it?

Avalance and I have beeen talking about an AV tent camping trip....

We love our tents.... tons of fun  very comfortable
gotta love those pics  :love:

That the one witht he canopy??  Havent seen one with it up before..

Wondering if thats what I have..
this is the 07 chevy tent..

it has the chevy emblem on the front... to my understanding that's the only difference.


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Can you still attach the canopy poles to the tailgate area on the 07 tents?? Like you can see in this photo.

I've tried both way, tailgate and on the ground, and like the tailgate area better. You have to use those guy lines to hold it down (wind uplift) when on the ground and I found them to be a trip hazard.  :2:


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Now that I think of it, there is a slot there, I just assumed they went into the ground  :E: I'll check it out next time I have it up.  Thanks for the idea  :B:
I think I stuck my canopy poles into a pocket like the other poles, it's been a while.
How far back does the inside go into the cab??  Do you have to fold down the midgate??
Yes it matters cause I cant fold mine down.  :E: 
Anyone have a sub in the midgate??
You don't have to fold down the midgate, although there is a zip in the back of the tent if it is folded so you can get into the front.  The tent takes up the whole bed, I think a sub box would make it impossible for me to sleep in there (I'm 6'4") without my feet sticking out of the tent  >:D
But if I dont have to fold down the midgate I would be ok..
The tent extends length of box and tail gate, isn't that 8' without the midgate ? I like the midgate open, easy entry thru the back doors. I can lay down and watch the DVD or kick on the heat on a chilly morning. I cover the open sunroof with a weighted screen for more air too.
Flint4x4 said:
The tent extends length of box and tail gate, isn't that 8' without the midgate ?

It's gotta be close to it. Plenty of room for me and my feet... I'm 6'4 too. ;D  But I definitely like it better with the midgate down too- just for the roominess.
I was thinking that it depends on how far your box sticks out into the bed.  I fit comfortably as is, but take away a foot or two for a midgate box and it might be another story  :D
with a full size air mattress and 2 king sleeping bags zipped together... it's a snug, warm, comfortable place...  :love: :B: :love:
Thanx for the info..  Guess I need to get it out of the box this summer..  Right now I have an under the seat box but cant fodl the seats down all the way, which I will need to do soon and the pups are getting bigger by the day.. 
So I was gonna look at a midgate with the subs up top only..