Yesterday I ran across a two-tone painted EXT. It was black on the bottom and faded into a silver at the top. I was wondering if this was from factory, or a custom paint job Either way it's the nicest version of our trucks I have seen to-date. The truck was riding on chrome 24's, and had me drooling the entire way home.
I live in Miami, and we have quite a variety of nice trucks, but this one certainly takes the cake!
Any ideas if this was from factory or custom?
Yesterday I ran across a two-tone painted EXT. It was black on the bottom and faded into a silver at the top. I was wondering if this was from factory, or a custom paint job Either way it's the nicest version of our trucks I have seen to-date. The truck was riding on chrome 24's, and had me drooling the entire way home.
I live in Miami, and we have quite a variety of nice trucks, but this one certainly takes the cake!
Any ideas if this was from factory or custom?