It was pretty easy for me from a truck wiring rookie.? This site kicks ass - everything I needed was here. ItsStopher put a great diagram on the "reverse pick up under dash" thread, and Raceman cleared up the trailer wiring for me.?
The box ItsStopher detailed is to the left of the brake pedal (my God look how rusty that is!).? Open it up and you will see it. Look for the light green wire behind the "C3" plug and splice into it with red wire - I pulled the plug off the board to make it easier. I used the VR3 connectors since I don't know any thing else. Black wire needs to be grounded to metal.
Same with the back - just find the light green wire in the wrap behind the trailer plug and tap in. Ground black to metal ( I didn't do this too well - leave plenty of black wire to do this better).