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Just got a call from the dealer here in LV. He told me that they expect to get the first WBH's here in two to three weeks. I guess I'll hold off on ordering until they get here.

KB it is possable because they started taking orders 11/18/02 and if they got one allacted then yes it is likly they could have one in, in a few weeks, if they do get some pics and post them the one I ordered for stock will not be here tell after the 1st of the year
The dealer I am talking to keeps telling me I cannot order until the WBH prices are in the computer. Is this true or not? I have money in my hand and they won't let me spend it!

It's ordered!

Arrival Blue Z71 WBH with all the goodies- including XM. Now the wait is going to kill me!


Congrats!! Sounds like a sweet ride, can't wait to see the pics.

We got prices on the computer today for the Invoice (only the WBH Option :-[) it is -$600 MSRP and -$516.00 invoice let you know when the other prices on the running boards and body sidemoldings gets in the computer
It's ordered!

Arrival Blue Z71 WBH with all the goodies- including XM. Now the wait is going to kill me!
well Congrats I think you are the 1st club member to order one I can't wait to see pics
JasonC said:
It's ordered!

Arrival Blue Z71 WBH with all the goodies- including XM. ?Now the wait is going to kill me!
How long did the dealership say was going to be your wait on the new Av...jasonc :B:
Hopefully there will be an early deliver date...so you won't have to wait that long...good luck..now comes the hard part... :B:
Hey thanks everyone- I am really excited about all the new features that the 03 has.

The dealer is basically clueless as far as guestimating when the truck should arrive. I don't think the WBH goes into production until after the 1st of the year??

Anyone know different?

Posted by: JasonC Posted on: Today at 11:34am
Hey thanks everyone- I am really excited about all the new features that the 03 has.

The dealer is basically clueless as far as guestimating when the truck should arrive. I don't think the WBH goes into production until after the 1st of the year??

Anyone know different

I know what you mean they have many new fetures and the WBH has started production it started 11/30/02
Great! I hope that means my truck should be available in about 5-6 weeks then.