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What If The Av Gets Discontinued?


Full Member
Sep 24, 2002
Toronto ON Canada
I am toooo worry-prone. But, as many of you know ( but then again, you might not) I am only 13 and there will still be a long time before I will be able to purchase my own Av.

But now people are all talking about new hybrids coming out. Electric motors. Fuel Cells. New models to go with them. What if GM cuts the Av line for a hybrid?

Mind you, this is only a thought. But themn again, fuel prices are rising as the world "runs out of oil". There might be a possibility that this will happen...right? :cry:

My only consolation is that GM will decide to put a hybrid syatem on the Av. :0: that would improve the mileage even more!

Please remember that this is only my nightmare and not that this is going to become reality. However, it would help if you tell me what you think about this.
Given how strong the AV is selling, it will be a while before they go away. GM is bringing out the cladless AV in hopes of getting more sales - Hey you only have a few more years to go until you can legally drive the AV - I wouldn't worry :)
plus you can always buy one of ours - AJ, for instance, may be wiling to sell you his "creampuff, never been off-pavement or scrathed" Av for bluebook retail in 2005 . . .

;D ;D ;D ;D
Avrunner said:
My only consolation is that GM will decide to put a hybrid syatem on the Av. :0: that would improve the mileage even more!
Actually, That's probably what will happen soon.

I was reading about hybrids a few months ago. It talked about how some small super-efficient hybrids were being made, because that's what gave the highest MPG numbers. But when you think about it, it's really in the percentages. Going hybrid can save a set percentage of gas. Take a car that already has high MPG numbers, and that percentage makes a big difference in the resulting MPG. However, since the car doesn't use so much gas in the first place, the savings in gaollons are really small, even though the final MPG number sounds great.

However, where hybrid really has the potential to save gas is on the big heavy low MPG trucks. True, percentage wise, the savings are the same as the small cars. When you figure out the MPG increase, it doesn't sound too dramatic, considing you're taking a percentage of a smaller number. However, when you calculate the gallons of gas saved, the payback for making a hybrid truck is much larger than a small hybrid car.

I'm not explaining it very well. Think of it in terms of a sale. 10% savings on a $10 item saves you $1. 10% savings on a $25 item saves you $2.50. It's still 10%, but the savings on the higher priced item are greater. Same with the gas, you're saving about the same percentage, but the amount of gas saved from the lower MPG vehicle (higher gas consumption) is greater.

Because of this, the article contends that the next vehicles in line for hybridization are the trucks.

hybridization -- There's more of that software geek english abuse, as explained here.

Don't worry, you'll still be able to find an Av when it's time. If all else fails, the way these things are built, they'll last and be available on the used market for a long time.

-- SS
jackalanche said:
plus you can always buy one of ours - AJ, for instance, may be wiling to sell you his "creampuff, never been off-pavement or scrathed" Av for bluebook retail in 2005 . . .

;D ;D ;D ;D

Have you seen AJ's recent stupidest thing done in an Av post?

-- SS
ShapeShifter said:

Have you seen AJ's recent stupidest thing done in an Av post?

-- SS

I saw AJ's post - I wondered where he had been for a while - the Pond Adventure seems cheap now compared to hitting a ditch at highway speeds :(
:B:Dont worry about the Avy being discontinued. It wont happen for a long time. The SUV/Truck line is more popular than ever. Ford is trying to come online with something similar in their F-150 Lariat and Dosge is working on something new. We arent even at the peak of the mountain yet with Avys....anyway Im sure they are plenty of us that will at least give you a ride... >:D
Poor AJ. If it wasn't for bad luck he wouldn't have any! >:D
Yoou are worrying way too early - there will be lots more to come - I have a '98 Jeep GC w/ 5.9L engine, one year run - love it, my better half drives it like she stole it ;D
Way to go SS. Scare the poor lad to death with those fuel saving theories.

While you're at it, how about plotting us a course from Summit to Ogelbay? We're going gas guzzling again.
Here's where politics, special interests, and fear mongering get mixed up with reality. IMO, there's no REAL gas shortage, and not likely to be one for many decades. You're too young Avrunner, but there was plenty of gloom and doom during the gas 'shortage' of the '70's - look at us now - that was a joke!

I better stop here, or my post will turn politically unacceptable (and dissappear from the forum with a POOF!) But I anticipate that in the end rational minds will prevail, and you'll be able to get you Av in due time!
I remember a bumper sticker I used to see everyday back in the mid to late 70's;

"All the gas you want...at a dollar a gallon!"

Seemed like a big rip-off at that time!
I don't think your going to have to worry about the general discontinuing the Av or running out of gas for that matter......just sit back and continue to cross the days off on your calendar... :B:
Heck we might get ANWAR open to drilling around the time you get your license.

PS Alaskans want it open. even Alaska Natives that live there Voted for opening it.

More on this later!!!! >:D

AV, now and forever :cool:
GM is already taking the step to make the 2003 AV moving forward to alternative fuels. The 2003 Av will be able to use methanol!! So I think this beast will have a long last future in the market. I mean who would habve thought that the Camero would have been DC'ed 8 years ago!! Just look that the market hasd changed from psorts cars to large SUV/SUT's!! So start studying for your drivers licesene and save all of your spare change!!

Avrunner said:
I will, but I've not much...maybe I should start an Av fund, like a college fund... :0:
You know that's not a bad idea. In college, I used to take all the change I had at the end of the day and put it into a sealed box. Use a box over a clear jug so you couldn't see how much is in there throughout the year. Every penny I saw on the ground was picked up and thrown in that box. By the time Christmas rolled around there was usually enough for a plane ticket home.

I still have a box now that I am married. It goes to a vacation for my wife and I. You would be suprized how much change you accumulate over a year, especaily when hunting pennies. :)

Take those boxes plus the college grad buyers program and you could be an AV driver in now time. ;D
I do not think the AV will be discontinued.

I was reading POPULAR MECHANICS (I think) and there was an article about Toyota developing a Tundra like the AV.

Imitation is flattery... right? ;D

I would believe that the Tundra will cost much more than our AV's and they have worse fuel economy than the 1500's. :cool:
Let's consider this folks...when was the last time you seen Motor Trends truck of the year....discontinued anytime soon.... :) :B:
Wvusquatch said:
GM is already taking the step to make the 2003 AV moving forward to alternative fuels. ?The 2003 Av will be able to use methanol!! ?So I think this beast will have a long last future in the market. ?I mean who would habve thought that the Camero would have been DC'ed 8 years ago!! ?Just look that the market hasd changed from psorts cars to large SUV/SUT's!! ?So start studying for your drivers licesene and save all of your spare change!!

With the flex-fuel 5.3 already available in the Silverado I'm surprised the Av wasn't included. ???

When I was 13 we did not have computers, we did not have remotes for t.v. or for radio controlled toys. However I did have a pencil and paper. I used to draw trucks all the time. I actually drew an avalanche [1975] - loaded with every possible feature from 4 wheel drive to over top exhaust for under running. I spent many hours drawing this vehicle. I first heard about the AV in 1999- Needless to say I went balistic! When they where realease to the public I could not affford one - so I started saving every penny and got my kids to help save everything we could. Finally after 2.5 years I was able to buy one. SO KEEP THE FAITH, KEEP SAVING AND GOOD LUCK!!

