I'm at 4471/135.7 hours ?(32.94 Mph average) right now. Had the change oil lite on a couple weeks so I guess I'll have to get that done this week! Not to concerned as I changed oil at 1200.
Took delivery on 2/13 and all but 6 miles are mine!
Just flipped to 7,260 miles on the Av...no problems thus far and getting ready to take her in for an oil change..and routine checkup....all is well...been 7 months of joy and passion with the Av...
Got mine 10/01, built in 09/01. Just went over 8,000 miles last weekend. The sad thing is, that's with driving it about half time with my commuter car the other half. Oh well, what can I say, I love driving it (the Ava. that is
Only problems to date are a leaky #2 panel and a trans. problem that has only happend a couple of times so far. Just wouldn't up-shift (noticed that it happened both times when it was cold) to the next gear so it made the engine rev way to high. Other than that, it's been great so far.
I'm having to use the wife's car for a couple of trips or I'll be out of warranty in 18-20 months!
Ready for second oil change and will do the run in with synthetic - 1 quart this oil change and add a quart of synthetic until fully changed over at 20K miles and change every 5K after that.
Could have used that when I lived in Denver in 87'.
That reminded me of the 78 labaron I had. (P.O.S.)
I would splash through a puddel, behind Denver Diesel and bla bla school. It would die and coast into a parking spot. Just like old faithfull, Wilson from Alaska would slam the puddle. Time to go to class...........
Washer bottle was also broken, so I would have to find a puddle so water would come out of the top of the rusted fenders and splash the window to see again.
21441 miles and 686 hours. Got mine Sept 11th. That was the only day I didn't care about my truck. The first thing I did was put a Big Flag across the covers on my truck. It stayed there until snow and ice came. Mine has some minor scratches that would prolly buff out, I think it came from my tent. I've had the rear end replaced about two months after I got it. Think they didn't put the grease in the rear end at the dealership. Front shocks getting replaced too. Sqeaking bad. All under warrenty.
Hello from a Newbie in Ohio. Took delivery of my avalanche on Sept. 10th 2001. To date I have 13127 miles on it. The Avalanche is one awesome vehicle!!
Wife informed me that I wouldn't be driving it if it had been a day later!