knuckles508 said:whats your location? i might be able to make it happen
knuckles508 said:o ok i didnt know that he did this stuff for a living lol. just offering some help if he needed it
knuckles508 said:o ok lol. i didnt know that.? i see you are/were into f-bodys. thats what i cut my teeth on with custom turbo setups. any pics of your cars?
btw, im working on a similar setup for my av. single bb turbonetics t72 with dfi and an antilag system. intercooled and alky should keep it cool... lol kits gonna be mild though. i still have to drive this thing daily for now
JJsnowking said:Is she gonna be running this weekend ?? I'll probly be by, but gotta leave by noon.
Slowhawk said:I would say probly 80% of the F-body's driving around Brockton are either tuned or built by me.
As for your setup,you should stop by my house when we hang out sometime. DFI is a waste of $$ since the stock computer can be made to work like DFI -hense the truck pictured above to push over 1000rwhp on pump gas /stock computer.