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Wife Of An AV Owner


Full Member
Oct 26, 2002
union gap wa
My wife loved my amber's so much she wanted them on her suburban....Maybe we should put them on all our wive's vehicle's....Anyway I did and she love's them.....
You're lucky, my wife just thinks it's part of the obsession and makes fun of me :cry:
well mine does too...i'll give her the old line"I've got it the way I want it now so I'm done spending money"..When she get's off the floor laughing...I say I'm serious...she laugh's more..YA RIGHT....keep modding I guess...It's good for the soul...Laughter that is..for her sake anyway....
Skidd said:
Geez I hope that Mrs Skidd doesn't find this thread. ?:rolleyes:

Come on Skidd, get real! You know the first thing she does when she goes online is check on you by hitting the view last 50 posts on your profile. You are dead man. >:D
Yep, I am Afrid there are some more pairs of AMbers in SKidd's future>:D
Geez guys, I feel guilty...

mine wanted her own AV...

although the mods on mine are going to be more extreme "arr arr", she likes the ambers, stickers, and stripes

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danlwil said:
Geez guys, I feel guilty...

mine wanted her own AV...

although the mods on mine are going to be more extreme ? "arr arr", she likes the ambers, stickers, and stripes

Nice touch! I like, now I want one that says," My Avalanche, back off" >:D
My wife has come to terms with my modding - she just spends money on herself to match me dollar for dollar. I have been tryin to get her to want one and trade in her Suburban - sometimes she smiles at the idea and other times she just says I am going through middle aged crazy. ;) :rolleyes:
TexAVfan said:
My wife has come to terms with my modding - she just spends money on herself to match me dollar for dollar. I have been tryin to get her to want one and trade in her Suburban - sometimes she smiles at the idea and other times she just says I am going through middle aged crazy. ?;) :rolleyes:

I know that road. There's one in Georgia too!!

Her Yukon XL should become a Bumble Bee. Where's
David Copperfield when he's needed??

Speaking of "dollor for dollor" I ALWAYS LOOSE :love:

You know....sometime loosing is WINNING!! :B: :B: :B: :B:

I hear that Mike - should there be a thread called Ex-wife of an AV owner or Wife of an Ex-AV owner or even Ex-wife of an Ex-AV owner?

Hey as long as my wife is happy and I can mod my AV and go to the GTG's and cruises - LIFE IS GOOD! ;) :) :D ;D
Bruno said:
Come on Skidd, get real! ?You know the first thing she does when she goes online is check on you by hitting the view last 50 posts on your profile. ?You are dead man. ?>:D
Mmmmm maybe I can get Jack to do a special mod that will bring up a bodgey sample of posts... you know along the lines of how much I love having her on here and all that stuff.... ;)

Bruno said:
Come on Skidd, get real! ?You know the first thing she does when she goes online is check on you by hitting the view last 50 posts on your profile. ?You are dead man. ?>:D
Sooo...it is amazing what a girl can find whilst on holiday. :eek:
TexAVfan said:
My wife has come to terms with my modding - she just spends money on herself to match me dollar for dollar. I have been tryin to get her to want one and trade in her Suburban - sometimes she smiles at the idea and other times she just says I am going through middle aged crazy. ?;) :rolleyes:
Now there is a woman of my style and thinking.

"Yeah sure honey...you get your mod(s)..I'll be at the mall picking up a few essentials..ring me and let me know how you are going so I can decide if I need those shoes in three different colours to mix 'n match with those five new out fits I'm planning on getting today...Oh yeah..I'll pick you up some socks..Love you bye!" >:D

We girls do get attached to our Suburbans you know. :cool:
Maybe there should be a whole seperate "support group" type forum for wives of us owners for having to put up with our sickness. :cautious: I know my wife thinks I'm nuts...she's had to hear me talk about the Av for almost two years and I just got mine this month!
I take that back...she needs no more encouragement to get more clothes. :rolleyes:
My disease just drove us to seperate accounts! :eek:

So far she's much happier and even supportive of some of my mods now that she know's I'm spending my own money (y)
My wife makes fun of me in front of everyone, and then says(Could you put those ambers on my Tahoe). I think I am finally getting to her..HAHAHAHAH