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Windex Stained My Bed Mat.


SM 2003
Full Member
Dec 26, 2002
I have two bed mats. I bought one of them to cut up and use to cover the tail gate, the mid gate [the tail gate because I like the mat, and the midgate because I think that's where most of my muffler noise from the 'ravin' is coming from] and the back of my Bravada. I washed both of them last week in anticipation of doing the cutting, one came out perfect and the other turned white everywhere the windex touched which was all over. Oddly, it left the stain where i sprayed it and did not smear the stain where i Immediately went over it with a broom. Any suggestions to get the white off?
ducksface said:
Any suggestions to get the white off?


You may want to try Meguiar's Tire Dressing (M-7701). It's a spray on, water based product that covered some stains I had on our bed mat perfectly.


I have found that Murphy's Oil Soap works well on my floor mats, but I have not yet tried it on the bed mat.

Perhaps you could try it and let me know what you think? >:D
CLEAN .......

Apply Protection...

the amonia removed some of the carbon black on the surface of the matt......cleaning and new protection will help bring it back to surface....
I just pulled my mat out today to clean under it for the first time since I bought my AV in December. I forgot to check exactly how the mat was placed in the bed before I took it out. Does the mat go under the midgate gutter or does it lay on top of the gutter edge.

SteveK said:
I just pulled my mat out today to clean under it for the first time since I bought my AV in December. I forgot to check exactly how the mat was placed in the bed before I took it out. Does the mat go under the midgate gutter or does it lay on top of the gutter edge.


under...watch your fingers sharp thingys under there....
I always pull the gutter cover off when reinstalling the mat. I get it close after lifting it in from the back and then work it into the final position from inside so I can see it's exactly where it needs to be, then snap the cover back over top. Works every time. I wash the mat probably about every 5th wash job.