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Detroit Auto Show


SM 2004
SM 2003
Full Member
Sep 29, 2002
Parrish, Florida
It's that time of year again. Let's start a discussion about making a plan to have a GTG at the auto show this year. There are a few people coming up from Indiana for the first weekend. Anyone interested?


I hate the crowds too but they wouldn't give us a private night for the Avalanche Club, I tried (not really). I think the Indiana people are coming up for the first weekend (January 10th). It doesn't matter to me because it will be packed no matter what. I figured we would see how many people were coming from out of state and set the same date to maximize the amont of trucks for a GTG.
How does everyone feel about Sunday January 11th? Looks like that is when the Indiana people are going.

Put my pics from the show up on my web site:

I was upset, they only had on AV there...it was a Z71 with cladding, and where it was located it almost seemed an afterthought. I made sure I waited for a GM rep to get into ear shot before I started complaining to the guy next to me. :)