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How Many Avalanche 2500 are here Now, Today?

The 41930 is a lighter duty version of 45515 main difference is size on crossbar, side plates, two less mounting bolts, smaller chain loop and it's the small 2" reciever tube (45515 is 2.5" reciever)
Both fit on truck once tab on 45515 is cut off.
For wiring the Hopkins 1200409050 is oe plug in 7 blade and 4 flat. You have 3 mouthing options

Hole saw left of license plate and bolt in

Remove spare tire lowering door and it fits there with minimal grinding (that's what I did)
Use the bracket and mount low like factory.
I've put it to the left of plate before aswell. It's where gm puts its now and I think it's nice having it up out of the way

Ignore the missing plastic lol


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Just picked up a 2002 Avalanche 2500 Today!!! Really excited!!! I don’t know if we were still figuring out how many 2500 are in the club? Count me in as 1!
As MarineOne stated, they are great trucks (also have a 2002 2500) - just be prepared to deal with some ridiculousness when it comes to parts availability. Certain items are next to impossible to obtain. The good news is that most parts are common with all GM trucks 👍
Because the design of the 8.1L PCV is crap. They just put a port in the bottom of the intake that sucks in the oil into the intake and it gets burned thus making it look like it uses oil, but it really doesn't... So, with a catch can you plug that port and pull the vapors from a valve cover or oil fill tube return it first through a catch can that separates the oil vapers and then back behind the throttle body like an old school PCV system used for years. The vapors condense back into oil, and you drain it as needed usually after a couple of tanks a gas.

When I was chasing a MAS error code P0101 and had changed MAS's 3 times and still getting the code mechanics told me I could have a vacuum leak, so I pulled the intake to change the gaskets and when it was off, I could not believe how black and oil coated the inside was, never seen that much before. With fuel injection at the intake port right above the valve you're going to have some oil staining because with a carburetor or throttle body injection where fuel is introduced into the air stream before the runners it stays clean because it mixes with the fuel and keeps any oil from sticking and getting baked on.

Mine uses a quart every 1500 or so miles if it's highway, more if it a lot of around town.

I guess we should poll all the 2500 owners and see what theirs are using...
Did the new intake manifold gaskets resolve the code P0101 issue you had? 🤔
I did 8 hours of driving on the highway a few days ago, and the SES light illuminated. Plugged in my reader and got P0101. When I stopped for gas, I had a look at the air filter, the clamps and air ducts, wiring, etc, and could not find anything physically wrong. Cleared the code, and it hasn't come back...yet. There was the beginnings of a mouse nest in the air box, so that is a little concerning. Hope they haven't been elsewhere under the hood.
No that wasn't the problem.. The P0101 was the MAS being bad, the dealer replaced it twice and when that didn't fix it, I drove with it for quite a while and then replaced it with an aftermarket Granatelli Motorsports MAS after the intake gaskets and mechanics telling me it's the MAS again, and that one didn't fix it.. So again, I drove with it for quite a while, it would only set the code under a heavy load. Then I was putting new tires on it and chatting with one of the mechanics about Avalanches, telling him the problem and he said when the tires are done let's go for a ride.. He grabbed his Tech tool and we drove around for a while, he had me do some full acceleration runs to load it, we went up a couple of hills to put a load on it all while he watched what was going on and he said that it was not loading, and it was defiantly the MAS. So, I went to the auto parts store and picked up a store brand MAS and put it on and still set the code.. So back to the mechanic and he says it's a bad MAS, so I was able to take back the store brand MAS and I ordered a Delco Remey MAS online and put it on and it work fine, 5th one was the charm, it's been great ever since..

From all the research about the P0101 code on the 8.1L is that they can be really sensitive and if you have a scan tool just watch the load on the motor and if you don't see it going up to 90 percent or more on a hill it could be the MAS. Also like you checked for any loose air ducting will also set the same code..
My understanding is that a restricted exhaust could also do it. My truck was running just fine, however. You're right, it is definitely sensitive to an erroneous MAF sensor value.
I have the 41930 on my 2500, no light tab to cut off, but had smaller safety chain holes. Other than that it looks the same as the 45515 pictured.

The Suburban bumper doesn't hang over the hitch as the cladding on the Avalanche does. I never came up with a good 7 wire solution, what does your Curt tab look like welded on?
Here is what I did for the hitch setup. It's welded on there to the left. As others said above in later years GM they moved it near the licence plate (to the left). If you were to do that, you'd likely need a different pigtail and bracket. I have the 7 + the 4 pin as my boat trailer is still a 4 pin.
In the box of the truck you'll see my in progress packrat/bedslide unit. It will be a bit of a hybrid, single drawer on left with 3 dividers and a bedslide on right. I have had a full packrat (all drawers) and they kind of suck for hauling anything as they take up most of your bed space, leaving only a few inches to top of bed. This gets worse with the avalanche bed covers!! In my 07 LTZ I have a full bedslide... it's great for pulling things out but missing storage. Hence the "hybrid" bedslide/packrat! I might put a bedslide ontop of the drawers as well, as this truck will mainly be used for camping.
Lastly I used it to tow my 10K+ electrical work trailer and it did great! Comparable to a diesel for sure, did not see any down shifts down large hills or anything. Even let my buddy with a new F350 drive it with the trailer on and he said it felt like a diesel.
The truck sagged a touch, maybe 2 inches.
I have the Suburban springs (which added a leaf over the stock 2500 avy springs) and just ordered Timbren's as well as I had good luck with them in the past. P/N GMRSB4S, will do some pics on install but they are super easy!

Can't beat these old transformer trucks!
Long time follower of this group .. thought I would "register" my 2002 Rat Motor [496 ci] 2500 4x4. I bought my Avalanche in February 2004 with 30k miles on her .. and have since put another 225,000 miles on this beast.

I have owned 11 Chevy trucks & Suburbans since 1980 [over 2 million miles driven] .. and my 2002 2500 4x4 is the ABSOLUTE best .. most capable .. most versatile .. strongest "medium" heavy-duty truck I have ever driven.

15-16 mpg Highway ... not so great in-town mpg .. But I'm paying for regular gas and not a dollar more a gallon for diesel .. with 490 ft lbs of seat-smashin' torque {modest enhancements].

I have driven many 'loaded' 2020 and newer Chevy trucks [dealer loaner vehicles] and I am NOT impressed with today's trucks. I suppose today's truck-buyer likes a very tall vehicle [and of course .. Chevy .must make room for a huge 8-speed trans].

The first thing I noticed is you could drive over a person who is 5 foot tall or less .. and never see them. I am thankful I reared children back when you could see them in-front of your truck.

I am generally capable of "attaching" a photo .. which is different from "inserting" a [web location] photo which is what is required here.
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I am generally capable of "attaching" a photo .. which is different from "inserting" a [web location] photo which is what is required here.
First welcome to the site.
Second you are a new member and we have antispam rules in place - posting pics is one.

But you can upload to your free media album and ten use that pic. thos have to be approved until you are a Full member which is based on post count. All I will say is you are on your way and I bet if you search some member have indicated how many posts you need to be a full member
Any insight on deleting the EGR? I am assuming I will need a tune, or can I simply leave the connector plugged into the valve?
I have finished my bedslide/drawer which will now make the bed more usable (no more crawling in there to grab things).
1/2" ply on bottom, resting above the stock av bedmat. Drawer and all slides built with 1/2" ply, topped with 2x2s and 3 coats of stain. Plastic checkerplate was then glued ontop of the bedslides and in the drawer using PL400.
Lastly I upgraded and had the cluster rebuilt, this is a 2002 Escalade cluster. Went with white LEDS!
Mileage had to be swapped so inevitably the stock cluster is now junk but I prefer the escalade cluster all day (my 98 has an escalade cluster, they are good upgrades)
Another note, I did the Timbren upgrade, however the driver's side was NOT Fun to get in there. The factory brake lines are very close to where you need to remove the old bump stop and put the new Timbren in. GMRSB4S was the part #, says its good for 3600 lbs!
Nice job, those things come in handy.
Long time follower of this group .. thought I would "register" my 2002 Rat Motor [496 ci] 2500 4x4. I bought my Avalanche in February 2004 with 30k miles on her .. and have since put another 225,000 miles on this beast.

I have owned 11 Chevy trucks & Suburbans since 1980 [over 2 million miles driven] .. and my 2002 2500 4x4 is the ABSOLUTE best .. most capable .. most versatile .. strongest "medium" heavy-duty truck I have ever driven.

15-16 mpg Highway ... not so great in-town mpg .. But I'm paying for regular gas and not a dollar more a gallon for diesel .. with 490 ft lbs of seat-smashin' torque {modest enhancements].

I have driven many 'loaded' 2020 and newer Chevy trucks [dealer loaner vehicles] and I am NOT impressed with today's trucks. I suppose today's truck-buyer likes a very tall vehicle [and of course .. Chevy .must make room for a huge 8-speed trans].

The first thing I noticed is you could drive over a person who is 5 foot tall or less .. and never see them. I am thankful I reared children back when you could see them in-front of your truck.

I am generally capable of "attaching" a photo .. which is different from "inserting" a [web location] photo which is what is required here.
I agree I have a 2020 denali HD 3500 diesel and a 2003 avalanche 2500 diesel and I definitely prefer the avalanche


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I have RPO Code 522- interior trim light neutral. Has anyone found any SEM spray/touchup to match the dash?
Have a few small paint chips on the dash that I need to touchup.
You have a diesel 2500 Avalanche?
He or someone else had to install the diesel engine
like Alaska AV did with a diesel engine

BEfore it spreads:
Chevy did not offer Diesel in any year or model AVY.
:B: Well lets see how many Avalanche 2500 are still Here now? 04/16/2015 :help: With pic's of there trucks. Who is gone and who is still left? How about some pic's of Avalanche 2500 work or play, or camping to date? Or just any up dates? (y)

:welcome: :B: Avalanche 2500 (y) = :woohoo: :welcome:

1. dwswanger 17. Dix2500 32. Colebustinmasonacs
2. Randy 18. AV111 33. goddahvit
3. MS03 2500 19. Durwin 34. CJ3/4tonavalanche
4. AV 2500 20. wuan2000 35. jmwsmith
5. dman 21. mattjames07 36. mzeglevski
6. ckeene 22. DGM2500 37. joea
7. ronthehandymanga 23. Nebula
8. Ybre 24. Earlybronco
9. 2002blackedout2500 25. 022500black
10. JeepinDad 26. 25hundred
11. bowtiesno1 27. Ironrose123
12. Alaska_ AV. 28. Jim370
13. Chaos67731 29. flbjr2036
14. got change July 04 2015 !!!
15. X_Indian 30. cadboy1
16. Joeairforce 31. HostileJava
:B: Well lets see how many Avalanche 2500 are still Here now? 04/16/2015 :help: With pic's of there trucks. Who is gone and who is still left? How about some pic's of Avalanche 2500 work or play, or camping to date? Or just any up dates? (y)

:welcome: :B: Avalanche 2500 (y) = :woohoo: :welcome:

1. dwswanger 17. Dix2500 32. Colebustinmasonacs
2. Randy 18. AV111 33. goddahvit
3. MS03 2500 19. Durwin 34. CJ3/4tonavalanche
4. AV 2500 20. wuan2000 35. jmwsmith
5. dman 21. mattjames07 36. mzeglevski
6. ckeene 22. DGM2500 37. joea
7. ronthehandymanga 23. Nebula
8. Ybre 24. Earlybronco
9. 2002blackedout2500 25. 022500black
10. JeepinDad 26. 25hundred
11. bowtiesno1 27. Ironrose123
12. Alaska_ AV. 28. Jim370
13. Chaos67731 29. flbjr2036
14. got change July 04 2015 !!!
15. X_Indian 30. cadboy1
16. Joeairforce 31. HostileJava
I have a 02 2500
:B: Well lets see how many Avalanche 2500 are still Here now? 04/16/2015 :help: With pic's of there trucks. Who is gone and who is still left? How about some pic's of Avalanche 2500 work or play, or camping to date? Or just any up dates? (y)

:welcome: :B: Avalanche 2500 (y) = :woohoo: :welcome:

1. dwswanger 17. Dix2500 32. Colebustinmasonacs
2. Randy 18. AV111 33. goddahvit
3. MS03 2500 19. Durwin 34. CJ3/4tonavalanche
4. AV 2500 20. wuan2000 35. jmwsmith
5. dman 21. mattjames07 36. mzeglevski
6. ckeene 22. DGM2500 37. joea
7. ronthehandymanga 23. Nebula
8. Ybre 24. Earlybronco
9. 2002blackedout2500 25. 022500black
10. JeepinDad 26. 25hundred
11. bowtiesno1 27. Ironrose123
12. Alaska_ AV. 28. Jim370
13. Chaos67731 29. flbjr2036
14. got change July 04 2015 !!!
15. X_Indian 30. cadboy1
16. Joeairforce 31. HostileJava
Still have mine 9 years later and going strong!