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1 Year Update!


Charter Member
Full Member
Mar 15, 2002
Southern Delaware
As of Sunday, March 23rd, we've had our 2002 Av Z66 for one year now. In that time, it has been a tremendous vehicle and better than just about every other we've owned (from Chevrolets to Chryslers). There have been only 2 small issues that warranted going to the dealer, and even then, things were handled quickly and easily. We've fallen completely in love since the first day, and would go out and buy a brand new one if anything ever happened to this one. Here's a brief review of the past year:

-Mileage: Bought new with 8 miles had 15,833 on the 23rd.
-Engine Hours: 503.3 hours total, so an average of 31.47 MPH (yeah right!).
-Problems: Taken to the dealer last August to cure a braking vibration since new. Resurfaced the slightly warped rotors, and have had no problems since. Then this past winter, the passenger's side mirror glass cracked and they replaced the entire mirror assembly with a new one. Again, no more issues.

In conclusion, this experience has been one of the greatest, and I hope it continues to be like this for a while! I've also taken some picture to mark what it looked like after a year, and I can tell you it looks better today that it did the day we bought it, all thanks to me and my detailing skills (and in part to German wax!). At this time next year, we should be right around 30,000 miles and growing close to the end of the warranty. If we still had the 300M, that would be a scarry day, but the Av should have no issues based on this past year.

I still have no idea how you can ever trade an Av in for something other than another Av, because nothing matches what it offers! I'll be moving in a few years, but I hope my mother keeps it pristine and maybe even buys a new one before (and if) they ever go away.

Here's a link to pics from the first day, March 23, 2002:
First Avalanche Day!

And there's pic attached from Sunday, its first birthday!

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Beach said:
As of Sunday, March 23rd, we've had our 2002 Av Z66 for one year now. ?

Now that's a hoot! That's the same day I bought mine! Mine was a year old on the 23rd.

Of course...the 24th was my birthday....so it was a early birthday present to myself. No one loves me as much as I do. :)
Congrats to both of you. My first year will not be up until June ;D but at the rate things are going this truck will last me a really long time (y)
On June 21st I will have had my AV for 2 years and as of now I have 46,400 miles on it and every one of those I have loved
Well I've almost been waiting a year for mine now... does that count? :cautious:

I'm hoping to get her for my 40th birthday at the end of April.... here's hoping.
OK, since we are commemarating one year ;D
Well i am at one year and a couple of weeks with 46,200 miles.
Still love it and will only trade it in on another one.
Getting a company car, so looks like she may get a rest.
and no I am not selling her... >:D
Another 1900.00 and she is mine, Not GMAC's.
Now i should get the time to Clay her out and Zano the heck out of her till she is sore from all the rubbing
Only problem i had was one cracked drain rail in bed and a couple of other minor items. Don't even remember what they were-That is how minor they were...
Long live the AV........... (y)
Man these are great trucks. I just got my second Avalanche yesterday(March 27, 2003). I traded in my 2002 Avalanche and got a 2003 Avalanche. My 2002 was about 1 year and 6 months old. I like some of the features the new Avalanches where offering that I didn't get with mine, so i upgraded. My 2002 had 30, 900 miles on it and still going strong. I'm planning on putting a lot more on this one. The only thing I have to say is what is up with all the symbols in the 2003? 2002 had labels on everything but that is ok I guess I'm going to have to learn what they all mean now.

I only had one problem with my 2002 Avalanche and that was the oil concuption problem, but I took it into the dealer and they fixed it no questions.

This Avalanche is going to be the third in my family. I bought the first and that was my 2002. Then my dad bought a 2003 last year and now I just bought the third and it is a 2003 also. So we are support GM with all of our efforts.

Long live the Avalanche!!!!!!
AtomTaz said:
This Avalanche is going to be the third in my family. ?I bought the first and that was my 2002. ?Then my dad bought a 2003 last year and now I just bought the third and it is a 2003 also. ?So we are support GM with all of our efforts.
Man... 3 avalanches in the family... I'd like to see a family photo with the whole gang... geez you can have a family BBQ and go tailgating at the same time. (y)

What colours are they and who wishes they had gotten a different colour?
Skidd said:
Man... 3 avalanches in the family... I'd like to see a family photo with the whole gang... geez you can have a family BBQ and go tailgating at the same time. ?(y)

What colours are they and who wishes they had gotten a different colour?

Well Skidd there is only 2 in the family right now. I traded my 02 in for my brand new not even 24 hours old 03.

My 02 was Pewter I like the color of it it was very nice. There is only one thing I didn't like about this truck and it was the soft bed cover. Other then that I loved it to death. It was a great truck.

My new 03 is Dark Grey and I like that color very much. I don't think I'm going to find anything I don't like about my new Avalanche. My new Avalanche is pretty much loaded.

My dad has a 03 and it is Sunset Orange. This is a very pretty color. Not to mention my dad also has a Honda Motorcycle VTX or something like that I'm not sure. It is there new 1100cc motor cycle and the color of it looks a lot like the Sunset Orange.

I live with my parents and our house is like a parking lot. Let me do a auto sound off.

I own two autos. The oldest is a 1993 Chevy Lumina Z34, very nice car. And my pride and joy is my 2003 Dark gray Chevy Avalanche. In about two to three years I what to get a new Pontiac GTO. But, that is just on my wish list right now.

Now for my parents. I'm going to go from the oldest to the newest with them. They have a 2001 Chevy Corvette Z06 white, this car kicks but trust me. It is a lot of fun to drive through the mountians here in colorado. Next is the Honda Motorcycle and it is a 2001 too I think. I'm not a big motorcycle fan cause my family has band me from riding them. I'm dangerous on 2 wheels they say. When I was a kid I use to get a new bike for christmas every year cause I would wreck the one I got for christmas the year before. Next is a 2002 Caddy Escalade(I think that is how you spell it) and it is a Maroon color (Dark Red). This is my Mom auto. Finally, my dad auto is the 2003 Chevy Avalanche in Sunset Orange.

So, as you can see we have a whole Family of GM's living at our house. >:D I think we should start getting fleet discounts. :D That or GM can turn our house into a factory we would not mind. :) I want to get them all together and get a pic of all the autos but it is kind of tuff.
Wow!! Two Avalanches, an Escalade, a Z06 Vette, a Lumina, and a Honda bike--someone must have a nice job! :cool: Our driveway pales in comparison, just the black 2002 Avalance Z66 that's my mothers, and then my fathers '79 GMC conversion van that's beat to death and ready to die any day, and his light blue '69 Chevelle that's in quite good shape, just ready to be painted pure black this summer.

And, our course, I don't have any car. I hope to have one by the end of August this year, probably something along the lines of an Olds Intrigue or a Pontiac Grand Prix (no Av for sure, but GM ;D). Or, if I could just figure out how to get $30k this summer for a new Z66 Av... :rolleyes:
I bought mine on Feb. 4th 2002, a little over a year later 13,500 miles a few problems but it is still the best vehicle I have owned.
Beach said:
Wow!! ?Two Avalanches, an Escalade, a Z06 Vette, a Lumina, and a Honda bike--someone must have a nice job! :cool: ?Our driveway pales in comparison, just the black 2002 Avalance Z66 that's my mothers, and then my fathers '79 GMC conversion van that's beat to death and ready to die any day, and his light blue '69 Chevelle that's in quite good shape, just ready to be painted pure black this summer.

And, our course, I don't have any car. ?I hope to have one by the end of August this year, probably something along the lines of an Olds Intrigue or a Pontiac Grand Prix (no Av for sure, but GM ?;D). ?Or, if I could just figure out how to get $30k this summer for a new Z66 Av... :rolleyes:

You know if I had a choice between those two cars I would choose the Pontiac Grand Prix. My dad had one of those just before he got the Avalanche and they are great cars. I would really recommend if you are looking for used go get the 2002 body style and try to either get the GT or the GTP. The GT is just like the GTP but the GTP has a supercharged V6 instead of just a regular V6. My dad had the GT and it had power too. But, I'm the kind of guy if I buy a car I want it to go fast. The '93 Lumina Z34 was just a little faster then the GT.

I just want to state this for the record I got the Lumina for FREE. The best 4 letter word ever created. >:D And it only cast me about $200 to get it working great. >:D
Congrats on your new '03 AtomTaz! What did you get for the '02? Where did you go to get the new Av? I'd like to see your new ride sometime.

We're going on 18 months of having the Av with only a couple minor problems (blue smoke sometimes on cold start but no oil consumption problems, a slight midgate leak but nothing to get worried about and I heard a little piston slap once but I have not heard it in a while) but the Av is by far the most reliable vehicle we have ever had.

At 21,000 nearly completely trouble free miles, I get the impression the Av will last a long time :).

If the future of United Airlines wasn't so shaky (my dad is an engineer at the Denver airport and his salary is off of parking revenue), we'd get a second Av and get rid of our Bonneville which has been a big worry because of its problems.

I love this Av :love:.
My NFE was a year old in mid February. Currently there's about 13,500 miles on the clock. Pretty much trouble free for the entire time. It's definitely the most versatile vehicle I've had. I like it even more now than the day I drove it home. If I had to do it over, I'd buy another in a heartbeat!
I've had my NFE for a few months now and I love it. ?I only wish that I had heated seats (but I will be installing them in the next few months when it's warmer for me to work on it). ?My BMW had them as well as a heated steering wheel -- ooooh was that nice in the cold mornings. ?I also have only 6-way driver and manual passenger which I wish were full function.

My wife has a Liberty and now when I drive that it's like being in a toy.

The Av also is getting better gas mileage with the 5.3/8 than the Liberty does with a 3.7/6, and the Av weighs about 1500 lbs more.
byron said:
Now that's a hoot! ?That's the same day I bought mine! ?Mine was a year old on the 23rd. ?

Of course...the 24th was my birthday....so it was a early birthday present to myself. ?No one loves me as much as I do. :)

Must be a theme, I picked up mine on Dec 7th and my BDay is Dec 8th.

CoAvZ71 said:
Congrats on your new '03 AtomTaz! ?What did you get for the '02? ?Where did you go to get the new Av?

I love this Av :love:.

I got about $25,000 on a trade in on it. I got my new Avalanche at John Elway the same place I got my old one. I have never had bad service there.
AtomTaz said:
I got about $25,000 on a trade in on it. ?I got my new Avalanche at John Elway the same place I got my old one. ?I have never had bad service there.

That sounds about right. I think I saw you say you had a fully loaded Av. That means we would get about $24K for our Av because it's a Z71 but has no other options. I bet since my dad gets pretty nasty with dealerships that we could haggle our way to $25K ;D.

Luby Chevrolet which is in my neighborhood is my favorite right now. It is good to hear you got good service at John Elway (y). When we checked them out, we walked out but I think that was because the salesman was bad :). Congrats again on the purchase (y).
Well as you can tell by my other post, we are definitely impressed with the AV. We bought another for the wife. Its another 2002 with just under 10K miles. It was owned by a GM rep who only traded it to get into a 2003. As far as Rescue 1 goes , no problems to speak of. Well only the ones that I did by stupidity...