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10,000 Miles!


Full Member
Aug 23, 2002
Irving, TX
I picked up my '02 AV in early February and last night I passed the 10,000 mile mark on the way home. With the digital readout, you don't get the same feeling as when the numbers would actually "roll over", but still I never thought I'd travel that many miles in 6 months.

Of course, I helped a friend move from Lafayette, LA to Irving, TX (2 round trips in 48 hours) back in March, so that may have something to do with it. ?;)

How far have y'all gone in your AVs?
My Av was Born on2/02, but picked it up Aug. 15. It had 421 miles on it then, and 1220 now. 800 miles in 13 days! :love: :B:
I picked up my Av in mid-February and rolled over 10,000 miles on the way home from Wild West 2002.
I hit 10,000 miles on the way home for Ohio i have 11,655 i run about 75 to 100 miles a week it will be a year old on sept 25
bought march now it has 8500 miles no really long trips like out of state or anything just driving to st cloud and the twin cities alot
I picked mine up mid June, and it will be going in for 9000 mi. oil change prob'ly next monday. It's been from Milwaukee to Central Il a couple times, also Keystone/Sturgis SD, Yellowstone, Winchester Idaho, and of coure back and forth to work.
Had my Av since December and just flipped 10,776....not bad.... :B:
Just turned 10,750 miles on mine since March 11. That's a lot to me but just a drop in the bucket compared to Alaska_AV.
Ours is just a mile or 2 shy of 10 Grand. We put 2100 miles round trip driving up to the Wild West 02 meet. We also got our AV in late Feb 2002. I'm so happy with our truck! (y)
I rolled my over when i was in B.C,that 10000 km by the way and that was the Aug. longweakend,now its up to 11172.
:love:my :B:AV
I look forward to putting some miles on my truck...the engine loosens up..things start to find their niche....seems to run smoother now than it ever did.....but nonetheless a truck with 10 grand on it is still brand new....I had a feeling things got better with age...and not just wine... :B:
Won't be too much longer for me, I'm at 9700 now. It's done a lot of sitting this summer though since I have the bike. I think I put about 2k on it this summer. >:D
:eek: Drove off the dealer on 11/15/01 in my indigo blue AV w/ 12 miles now has 15,000+

After this weekend it will have many more. Headed to Cloudcroft, New Mexico ! :cool: Can't wait to put more miles on my AV...

Miss Avalanche :B:
Aug 29th now bought '02 Dec 1 of '01 odometer: 17,645 fun miles :)
I put about 500 miles a week on mine...

Over 18,000 in 8 months driving time!

I have the feeling I will drive this truck til it dies, probably somewhere around 250,000 miles ;-)

Might have to put some more miles on it to get to the get together here in the area....every mile is a smile and well worth it .... :B:
A.J. said:
I put about 500 miles a week on mine...

Over 18,000 in 8 months driving time!

I have the feeling I will drive this truck til it dies, probably somewhere around 250,000 miles ? ;-)

A Chevy die at only 250K... no way, surely we expect to get the Million of it her.
Skidd said:
A Chevy die at only 250K... no way, surely we expect to get the Million of it her.

The way I drive, I'm be damn lucky if I get to 250,000 ;-)


I just passed the 6-month mark and am approaching the 6,000 mark this week.

I've been driving my other car just to save on the gas bill!
I will hit one year at the end of September.....I expect to be around 18K then as I am closing in on 17K.....

Dayum the year flew byyyyyyyyyyy

It still feels brand new...and smells it too >:D

I bought mine in sept. 26, 2001, I have 20,000 on my av, you can tell I love to drive this truck. month after buying it went from Dyer, IN (home) to Alabama. close to 2200 miles round trip. Last june I went to McAllen TX, then to Arlington, VA from there to Niagara Falls, NY then back to Arlington, VA and finally went back home. Next year I plant to go to the Grand Canyon, Vegas and California, hope it works out.
Perpendicular said:
Wow, that is QUITE the picture! ?How long did it take you to get it out?

I guess you don't know my reputation around here! ;-) Check out my Pond Adventure.

This particular incident only happened because I knew I had the backup of a backhoe to get me out. It only took 15 minutes or so to get it out. You can check out a video clip of it.
